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Example sentences for "skulker"

Lexicographically close words:
skrimmage; skua; skuas; skulk; skulked; skulkers; skulking; skulks; skull; skullcap
  1. Many of the wounded men cheered lustily as the men marched by, and were loudly cheered in return, while here and there an occasional skulker would tell how his regiment was cut to pieces, and like Job's servant he alone left.

  2. But it was far from Hugh's intention to stand there and see his locker robbed by such an unprincipled fellow as Leon Disney, if, indeed, the skulker proved to be the party they suspected.

  3. He fancied that should the skulker take the alarm and try to flee, making for the open window in the rear, he was apt to turn aside and try to pass by; so his move was intended to block this little game.

  4. No--by the murk of that ghastly vision, by the shadow of the skulker among the dead, it was murder!

  5. The third skulker took advantage of the cessation of firing to tumble down from his perch and fly for his life.

  6. As long as the wood continued to blaze, the most adroit Indian skulker could not approach the camp without exposing himself, while the guards and the garrison were veiled from his sight by a wall of darkness behind a dazzle of light.

  7. While thus conjecturing, Rogier sees the skulker stoop down, immediately after hearing a sound, different from the sough of the stream; a harsh grating noise, as of a piece of heavy timber drawn over a rough surface of rock.

  8. Evidently the skulker concealed himself at this very point and watched his opening, playing entirely safe.

  9. Lambert tried various expedients for trapping this skulker during a period of two weeks.

  10. I think, though, that a fellow who likes being on deck in a gale of wind will turn out a better sailor than a skulker who only cares about caulking in his bunk below; and you can put that in your pipe, Master Sam Weeks, and smoke it!

  11. Captain Gillespie, "the confounded skulker has only brought it on himself, and sarve him right, too.

  12. Skulker has bitten her--how her foot bleeds!

  13. The skulker raised his rifle and waited until he had figured out the exact mark and then a burst of fire and smoke leaped into the brush.

  14. He was just in time to escape the challenge that would have been hurled at him by Hawley, himself, had that gentleman seen the skulker as he grouchily opened one shutter and scowled sleepily at the kindling eastern sky.

  15. I fished it out and made ready, thinking, of course, that the skulker must certainly be one of Clanahan's gunmen.

  16. The house was lighted with gas, and the dining-room chandelier had been turned down, so there was a chance that the skulker under the trees wouldn't see me standing in the corner of the box window.

  17. And they knew his threats were not idle phrasings--many a skulker had felt the weight of his fist and boot.

  18. And, say, kid, just you make that skulker Moore do his share.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "skulker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    malingerer; shirker; skulk; slacker; soldier; truant