De Marster wus so skeered o' her he run away frum de plantation and quit her.
Dat runaway Nigger wasskeered 'cause he knowed dey was gwine to find him sho, but he warn't skeered nuffin' compared to dem Niggers settin' in de gallery.
Ma said I evermore used to holler out in my sleep 'bout dem things I was so skeered of.
Dey was skeered o' dat Mistis de res' o' her life and say she were a hant.
Dere didn't nary a Nigger go off from our place to de North, 'cause us was skeered of dem Yankees.
Christmas times, chilluns went to bed early 'cause dey was skeered Santa Claus wouldn't come.
Dat skeered me so I ain't never been so I could eat no 'possum since den.
I courted dat gal for a long, long time while I was too skeered to ax her Daddy for her.
Dem what was skeered of bein' cotched and beat up, done deir best to stay out of sight.
Den dey would be skeered to eat de gingerbread 'cause I told 'em I'd tell on 'em.
Then 'long in 1784 some uv us concluded, ez the Injun varmints hed 'bout all been kilt or skeered away, that we'd open up farms.
I wants to talk, but I'se so skeered I can' say one word.
Well, I was that skeered to think I'd done seen a ghost, that I shuck all over, and couldn't wait on the table.
Then I got so skeered I banged the doah shut and run whoopin' and screamin' to the kitchen.
I reckin I would have made the effort, too, only it seemed like that old nigger woman of yours appeared to have prior rights in the matter, and knowin' her disposition I was kind of skeered to advance the suggestion.
Behind us as we comes forth we can hear the voices of many tiny tots upraised in skeered cries.
I wuzn' skeered of de Yankees; I thought dey wuz pretty mens in dey blue coats an' brass buttons.
She looked skeeredbut she didn' scream nor nothin'.
I was skeered an my hands was ashy, but I tole him I didn' nothin' 'bout nothin; dat if anybody done hid things dey hid it while I was sleep.
Dey didn' neither one get shot, but Mis' Betsy was skeered near 'bout to death all de time, skeered dey was gwine be brung home shot all to pieces like some of de sojers was.
She tole him, "If I was gwine to be skeered, I'd be skeered of somethin'.
De first cannon I heard skeeredme near 'bout to death.
I knowed dat I ought ter be skeered but I ain't, an' so I stands dar an' watches.
I wuz half asleep an' skeered stiff, but in a little while we pass de plum' thicket an' dar am de mules an' wagin.
I wuz sleepy but I wuz skeered too, so as we rides 'long I lis'ens ter pappy an' mammy talk.
Well, honey, I was kind o' skeered when they left me alone with that great white bed; 'cause I never had been in a bed in my life.
En bimeby hit got so Mars Marrabo's wife herse'f wuzskeered ter go out in de yard atter dark.
No, eve'ybody's skeered er a wolf, en I doan want nobody ter be skeered er me.
Twarn't so much his money, but I's skeered uv 'im.
What skeered us most was painters (panthers) a-howlin' close to our cabins at night.
Niggers was more skeered of newspapers dan dey is of snakes now, and us never knowed what a Bible was dem days.
It skeered me so I made tracks gittin' 'way from dar in a hurry and I ain't never bean 'round no more graveyards at night.
We didn't talk much 'bout Mr. Abbieham Lincum endurin' slavery time kazen we was skeered of him atter the war got started.
I was wussskeered dan I has ever been at any other time in my life.
Us chillun was allus skeered to play in de thicket nigh de house 'cause Raw Head and Bloody Bones lived der.
De very last time I went to a dance, somepin got atter me and skeered me so my hair riz up 'til I couldn't git my hat on my haid, and dat cyored me of gwine to dances.
Nigger chilluns was allus skeered to go in the woods atter dark.
Dey hitch dere hosses an' cum in de house, which skeered me.
An' the game is so tame it ain't skeered at us a bit.
She never told the tale till she war home, an' it skeered me an' my mother powerful, fur Mill'cent is all the kin we hev got.
That thar shootin'-iron o' yourn liked ter hev skeered me ter death whenst I fust seen it.
Anyway, maw and paw, dey didn't like it no better dan missus, cepin dey wuzskeered to speak dere minds.
They's all skeeredto death when he git in the lot and when they seed him in there they would run and git in the house and slam the door plumb shut.
Mebbe you er I er both on us 'll be comin' through here in the winter time skeered o' Injuns an' short o' fodder.
Gin'ral, shake hands with this 'ere boy,' says the man with the skeered eyes.
We're skeered o' the bush," said an elderly bearded soldier, who was sitting on a log.
They was a cur'ous look in his eyes--kind o' skeered like.
They're skeered cl'ar down to the toe nails," said Solomon.
So Henry, he comed on back den 'cause de niggers was skeered of dem wild bloodhounds what they would set on 'em when dey try to run off.
They was all young uns, 'bout grown, en dey was skeered to death to be leavin' en goin' to de War.
She skeeredto stay by herself after old master died.
Then here comes Bonaparte round an' round an' skeered mighty nigh to the runnin' point.
An' dat li'l black Mose so skeered he jes fall down on e' old log whut dar an' screech an' moan!
Ca'se ef a li'l black boy gwine imaginate dey is ghostes, he gwine be skeeredin de dark.
I 'spect Europena'll be skeered of it, it's so big.
An' nen the Little Boy He 'uz skeered worse'n ever!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "skeered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.