When Drake returned home from "singeing the Don's whiskers," he told his royal mistress that he believed the Spaniards would attempt serious invasion ere long.
The singeing of the Don's whiskers was effected soon after, by the burning of a hundred ships of war in the harbour of Cadiz.
The cloth enters over a rail A, and in passing over the plate a is thoroughly dried and prepared for the singeing it receives when it comes to the highly-heated plate b.
The pieces on leaving the singeing machine are passed either through a water trough or through a steam box with the object of extinguishing sparks, and are then plaited down.
For figured pieces which have an uneven surface, it is obvious that plate or roller singeing would only affect the portions which project most, leaving the rest untouched.
The construction of an ordinary gas singeing apparatus is seen in section in fig.
Gas singeing is also used for plain goods, and being cleaner and under better control has largely replaced plate singeing.
At this stage the goods which have been browned on the surface by singeing are ready for the bleaching operations.
In some shops, semi-cylinders of copper, three quarters of an inch thick, have been substituted for those of iron, in singeing goods prior to bleaching them.
They are now brushed again by the machine, and once more passed over the singeing surface.
The old furnace for singeing cotton goods is represented in longitudinal section, fig.
The brushing and singeing are repeated a third or even occasionally a fourth time, till the cord acquires a smooth polished appearance.
He was readmitted to the presence of Barnacle junior, and found that young gentlemansingeing his knees now, and gaping his weary way on to four o'clock.
With Barnacle junior, he signified his desire to confer; and found that young gentleman singeing the calves of his legs at the parental fire, and supporting his spine against the mantel-shelf.
The best mode I have ever followed for singeing fowls, is to put 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of alcohol in a tin dish and light with a match, thus making a large flame, without smoke--that is apt to injure the flavor of the bird.
It is important that after every run, or rather before you commence a run, the distiller should carefully clean out the still, wipe the bottom dry, and grease her well, to prevent her from burning and singeing the liquor.
The distance of the vertical tubes, C; and of the fan-shaped burners is calculated so that the latter touch each other, and thus a continuous flame is formed, which is found to be the most effective for singeing cloth.
Well, if either of you want his head or his claws, you had better say so at once, for the natives will be singeing his whiskers off directly; the practice is a superstition of theirs.
I found I was playing with fire, and was fortunate in getting off without singeing my wings, which is more than a good many others would have done.
He smelled again the singeing of his own coat, and that gave him recollection of his time of torture and captivity in the circus.
So well had the singeing of the King of Spain's beard been done that it was a year before the expedition was able to set sail for England; and when at last it came, the English people were ready for it.
He singed my hair, and it was horrid--like the smell of singeing a plucked chicken.
Aunt Ann has been insisting that my hair needs singeing at the ends to make it grow.
Singeing Long, after having stood twice at the Hold Bayley, and having been only returned once, is going to hoffer himself for the parish of Marrowbone, as what Fulmer calls the "knee plus ultra.
Nature comes to the rescue of the out-door horse, but frightful enormities result fromsingeing horses in the winter, and leaving them to shiver in the stall inadequately clothed, to say nothing of the frightful figures which result.
Fine winter coats should be got by clothing and warmth, not by singeing and cold.
Allow neither singeing nor washing above the hoof, and even this only for appearance.
Many believe that singeing seals up the cut ends of the hair, which they affirm bleed when cut.
Singeing the hair is greatly believed in by a number of people, and in some cases it appears to be of benefit.