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Example sentences for "silks"

Lexicographically close words:
silken; silkes; silkiest; silkily; silkiness; silkworm; silkworms; silky; sill; sille
  1. They endeavored to magnify the charms of their women by dressing them gorgeously in silks and satins, with glittering jewelry.

  2. Howbeit, they found within the city, as yet, several warehouses well stocked with all sorts of merchandise, as well silks and cloths as linen and other things of considerable value.

  3. Wine, spices, olive oil, silks and cloths of every variety of fabric were found in great abundance.

  4. There was a large amount of silks and other merchandise, which, was not deemed of much value.

  5. His silks and satins were wrapped in canvas envelopes, and then protected with tarred cloth, impervious to both air and moisture.

  6. The women, more loathsome in their wickedness than the men, reeled through the thoroughfares, in the richest silks and satins, and bedecked with glittering jewelry of which a duchess might be proud.

  7. As he did so a rustle of anger shook the lady in her silks and furs.

  8. I don't want to see any silks today, and I won't look at them.

  9. And the doctor: "We need no silks now, Ferguson.

  10. I meant to have told you that we did not wish to purchase any silks to-day, but in my absent-mindedness I forgot it.

  11. There was a rustle of silks and murmur of voices coming up the stairs.

  12. When all the others sit and talk complacently of their silks and satins, floating tulles and laces, she, with a pang, remembers that all she has to wear is a plain white muslin.

  13. Thus adjured, Molly succumbs, and, sinking into a chair, is soon deep in the unfathomable mysteries of silks and satins, tulle and flowers.

  14. The Raja could now cut more grass, and soon the Rani was able to buy some pretty-coloured silks in the bazar.

  15. When he reached his palace he called the false princess, his wife, and gave her her silks and shawls, and saris, and gold and silver jewels.

  16. Her husband went daily to cut grass, and she sat at home making head-collars with the silks for horses.

  17. There he stayed for a little while and bought the jewels and silks for his six elder daughters.

  18. BR> In silks I'll rattle it of every color.

  19. Baldacco, a city in Turkish Asia from whence these rich silks came: cf.

  20. He came home in 1499, with a rich cargo of silks and spices; and the Portuguese rejoiced greatly that they were the first to reach India by sea.

  21. It was only three years since he had discovered a road across the Atlantic; but as he had not yet brought back huge cargoes of spices and silks from India, people openly despised him.

  22. There were satin bags covered with the most delicate stitchery, and black silk aprons with wreaths of myrtle done with silks or flosses, and, finally, satin pelerines exquisitely embroidered in designs of carefully shaded roses.

  23. Mrs. Holmes had chosen silks and bits of weavings for her medium, using them as a painter uses colors upon his palette.

  24. It was not long before the over-and-over stitch demanded silks and flosses instead of crewels for its exercise, and silk or satin for the background of its exploits.

  25. The Venetians, soon after this time commencing a trade with the Greeks, supplied all the Western parts of Europe with silks for many centuries.

  26. The stranger visiting any of the great Japanese cities is surprised by the lack of large stores and manufactories, and often wonders where the beautiful lacquer work and porcelains are made, and where the gay silks and crepes are woven.

  27. The delicate vases, the bronzes, and the silks are often made in humblest homes, the work of one or two laborers with rudest tools.

  28. I supposed, in my childish ignorance, that this radiant creature went about all day long in shining silks that stood alone, and never by any chance wore other than red satin slippers.

  29. Lucien devoured his bread and supped his bowl of milk, then he went downstairs.

  30. I did not know that you were jealous of intellect," Montriveau said, turning to de Marsay; "good fortune is the death of a poet.

  31. You know very well that I--I'd dress you in silks and velvets, and feed you on strawberries and cream, if I could.

  32. Well-to-do Parsi women dress very prettily in silks of various colours.

  33. It is lawful for the women of my people to wear silks and gold ornaments, but it is unlawful for the men.

  34. And so you think we wear silks and satins on board ship, I see, young gentleman, do you?

  35. Have ye brought me any scarlets sae red, Or any silks sae fine; Or have ye brought me any precious things, That merchants have for sale?

  36. The gentleman said, "Come marry with me, In silks and in velvets my Bessee shall be; My heart lies distracted, oh hear me!

  37. The silks from the looms of France are to be seen side by side with the productions of Persia and India, and all at an advance of fully two-thirds on English prices.

  38. The sight of such a profusion of riches, all at their own mercy, had turned their brains, and the confusion that prevailed among the silks and finery would have rivalled that of a London milliner's shop on a gala day.

  39. They, on their part, amused themselves better and better, surrounded by a light cloud of perfumes which rose from their clothing, and by the rustle of silks which fell to their feet, like cascades of many colors.

  40. Apparently noticing nothing she spoke in a loud voice and joyously: "You have an ocean of various silks left after so many things which we made in company.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "silks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.