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Example sentences for "silhouettes"

Lexicographically close words:
silently; silex; silf; silhouette; silhouetted; silica; silicate; silicated; silicates; siliceous
  1. And yet, the longer one examines the many hundred silhouettes of running horses, so well grouped for anatomical study in the Stanford Book, the more reconciled to what there is of truth in them one may become.

  2. Among the silhouettes in the Stanford Book, scarcely one in twenty shows a handsome outline.

  3. The electric chandeliers were dull; only the great standing lamp was lit, throwing a foggy luster about the room, massing enormous dark silhouettes and spaces in the corners.

  4. Innumerable, cottony puffs of steam, busy, hurrying, restless, rose from unseen hulls across the fading silhouettes of tangled spans.

  5. All night trumpets and bugles were sounding, and big log fires were burning, around which, in the growing tumult, were passing back and forth shadows strangely agitated, silhouettes of demoniacal appearances.

  6. And silhouettes flitted and disappeared in the cars; fantastic shadows crept along and split against the walls; long whitish columns of smoke spread out under the vaulted roof.

  7. With surging blood I listened until I caught the measured tread of padded feet, and saw the black silhouettes of rounded bodies and curving necks.

  8. I was enjoying a gorgeous sunset which splashed the western sky with gold and red, and lazily watching the black silhouettes of a camel caravan swinging along the summit of a ridge a mile away.

  9. As we trotted our ponies homeward through the fresh, damp air we could watch the shadows deepen in the somber masses of the forest, and on the hilltops see the ragged silhouettes of sentinel pines against the rose glow of the sky.

  10. The sun had just set, and I shall never forget the picture which they made, their graceful figures showing in black silhouettes against the rose glow of the evening sky.

  11. Usually when we camped we could see, almost immediately, the silhouettes of approaching Mongols black against the evening sky.

  12. Mark the maple twigs, like silhouettes cut in coral, and the sheath of the wood lily, like a ribbon half unrolled.

  13. As my eyes grew gradually accustomed to the darkness, I began to distinguish the silhouettes of the old gaunt oaks and lime trees which bordered the road.

  14. There was so little order in all that lay before me that it was somehow strange in the midst of the hideously excavated, grotesque-looking earth to see the silhouettes of human beings and the slender telegraph posts.

  15. Thus it was that I heard the faint shuffle of feet and, sitting up against my pillows, saw the glowing silhouettes of the Golgotha dancers.

  16. For a moment, or so it seemed, I could see those dancers, so many dim-pink silhouettes in the sudden darkness.

  17. He now followed, with the slow march of persons oppressed with a sense of weariness, these deserted quays, that terrace on the bank of the river, whose balustrades permitted glimpses of the silhouettes of slender trees.

  18. Gaunt, naked, ruined cathedrals, homes, towers, and forests are better pictured in black silhouettes than any other way.

  19. Some Silhouettes of Sunshine gleam against the background of war like scintillating diamonds and "Send a thrill of laughter through the framework of your heart; And warm your inner being 'til the tear drops want to start.

  20. Yes, there are Silhouettes of Sorrow, but these silhouettes always have back of them the gold of a new dawn of hope.

  21. Could Silhouettes of Sacrilege cover a wider gamut of hatred and disgust than these silhouettes picture?

  22. Silhouettes of Suffering stand out in my memory with great vividness.

  23. In every art store in Paris one sees wonderful silhouettes which tell the story of the horror of the Hun better than any words can paint it, and when one attempts to paint it he must attempt it in word silhouettes.

  24. And now I'm back home, and I thought the Silhouettes of Song were all over, but I stepped into a church the other Sunday.

  25. And when we climbed the hill of Calvary, as we have been doing for these years of war, the clouds darkened and we saw only the ominous silhouettes of the three crosses.

  26. Then she looked at two silhouettes which stood on the mantel in carved ebony frames.

  27. The silhouettes moved, separated themselves and vanished as if they had gone right through the walls.

  28. Other dark silhouettes now approached from various quarters and mutely confronted the newcomers.

  29. In the grounds an artist in silhouettes was cutting out the likenesses of people who supposed themselves to have profiles, and they begged Mrs. March to sit for hers.

  30. They lie scattered about in quite unlikely places; perched on steep hill-tops, hidden in wooded valleys, often reflecting their quaint silhouettes in rivers flowing at their base.

  31. Whenever, from afar, I have perceived the silhouettes of gipsy-tents, I have never failed to go there, and no end of impressions have I gathered amongst these wandering aliens.

  32. Light reflected from the clouds may cause the silhouettes to fade somewhat, but they retain sufficient definition to distinguish them from out-of-focus images.

  33. The same cause, operating less effectively, gives a characteristic gray appearance with hazy edges to silhouettes passing just beneath the limits of sharp focus.

  34. Small as these silhouettes are, details of form are often beautifully defined--the proportions of the body, the shape of the tail, the beat of the wings.

  35. At last, however, one felt that the light was fading, that the somber silhouettes of the cypresses were more visible than their poetic embellishment.

  36. A tall man walked by her side; and when their silhouettes stood out against the luminous sea there came to Lilla, with the interminable odor of roses, a soft laugh of happiness.

  37. More freight yards and the train pulled slowly past other trains full of faces and silhouettes of people, to stop with a jerk in a station.

  38. He smiled bitterly and settled himself again to watch silhouettes of trees and hedges and houses and hillsides fleeing against the dark sky.

  39. But here was an outsider, whom one noted instantly as he studied those rugged silhouettes of steel.

  40. On the hills back of Louvain we came upon some Belgian troops in their long, cumbersome coats, dark silhouettes against the field, digging shallow trenches in an uncertain sort of way.

  41. The gauge, for both of them, of this seasonable distance seemed almost blatantly suspended in the silhouettes of the two stockings.

  42. We know their silhouettes well by now, and though only the hum of the engine betrays an almost invisible speck, it is not long before we call out "Boche" or "French.

  43. Their moving silhouettes can be seen at a great distance, but I do not interfere.

  44. At times black shapes passed before the fire, shutting off this last bit of brightness, silhouettes of men so strangely magnified that their arms and legs were indistinct.

  45. The three silhouettes were a trifle nearer.

  46. It was already nearly dark; the tanks bumped unevenly over the stony ground, their drivers following each other by the black silhouettes in the gloom.

  47. More than one such "repulse" of silhouettes has gone down into the German records as a local success.

  48. This latter type was much the same as a moving picture camera, the resulting film being a string of silhouettes of the target, each exposure showing whether the aim of the gunner was exact at the instant the picture was taken.

  49. The silhouettes nearly always fooled the enemy, as indeed they would deceive anybody in such light and under such circumstances.

  50. By November the Dijon factory numbered about 40 buildings, including blacksmith and machine shop, a sewing shop, a paint shop, laboratory, and a toy shop where dummies and silhouettes were made.

  51. The silhouettes were mounted so that they could be made to stand erect instantly whenever the ropes were pulled from the trenches.

  52. The uniforms were painted in neutral shades, but the faces and hands were highly colored to be visible at considerable distances during the gray and mist of dawn, when silhouettes were usually employed.

  53. The object of these dummy heads and silhouettes was to draw the fire of the enemy so as to make him reveal his strength and positions.

  54. The Dijon shop turned out large numbers of silhouettes and dummies.

  55. This is supplemented by a few silhouettes of individual matrons and maidens to whose influence we may trace increased resources in domestic life and education.

  56. By the aid of such records and a few family heirlooms of unquestioned genuineness, it is possible to suggest some individual silhouettes of the women of early Plymouth, in addition to the glimpses of their communal life.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "silhouettes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.