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Example sentences for "sighting"

Lexicographically close words:
sight; sighte; sighted; sightedness; sightes; sightings; sightless; sightlessly; sightly; sights
  1. The man worms his way round the thicket, sighting the game with the noiseless circling of a hawk before the drop.

  2. He may win his prize with the ease of putting out his hand and taking it--sighting his rifle and touching the trigger.

  3. I say yon Grayson, get out your sighting iron and see if you can find old Sellers' town.

  4. Oto touched his cap and adjusted the sighting apparatus to his shoulder.

  5. The best marksman of the gun-crew now stood at the breech, and, with his shoulder against the padded crutch, slowly and carefully brought the Chinaman within the sighting line.

  6. Sighting Cape Cod, he named it New Holland, unaware that it had already been named by Champlain.

  7. The gunners were sighting their first pieces when one of the signal corps galloped up with the telegram announcing peace.

  8. We fire as the roll brings the wires of the sighting telescopes upon the object aimed at, and can shoot better when a ship is rolling than when she is travelling upon an even keel.

  9. Colonel Laronde also escaped, and reached headquarters in the early afternoon; on the day before he had reported the sighting of several suspicious vessels out upon Lake Borgne, seemingly to reconnoiter.

  10. Sighting a large number of the enemy's barges steering for Pass Christian, he headed for the Rigolets.

  11. Sighting the fonda, they stopped, hastily took cover behind some bushes, and held a hurried consultation.

  12. A glance along the ridge showed Bull sighting from behind a rock.

  13. Sighting Anityeum, the southern member of the New Hebrides, and making sure there was nothing beyond it, Cook returned along the west side of the islands, passing eastward of them again, between Mallicolo and Espiritu Santo.

  14. An instant later a projectile had been shoved into the big gun, the breech closed and the gun pointer crawling to his station, was sighting the piece on the ghostly outline of the "Oriole.

  15. From that they drifted into the question of sighting the big guns, elevation and other technical subjects beyond their years and experience.

  16. The boy had noted that the boatswain's mate was eyeing them closely, tilting his head to one side and squinting out of one eye as if he were sighting a big gun.

  17. Sighting Banneker at luncheon a few days later, Horace Vanney went so far as to cross the room to greet and congratulate him.

  18. And see now I will send for him, but be not thou dismayed at sighting him.

  19. Accordingly, next day Prince Husayn repaired to the Bazar and on sighting it he stood amazed at the prospect of its length and width.

  20. The preacher came and opened to him, but sighting Mubarak he asked him in anger, "What is't thou wantest and who art thou?

  21. The Princess straightway opened the box and her brothers sighting the pearls and unions were amazed with extreme amazement and rejoiced greatly to see them.

  22. Quoth Peri-Banu, "An thou so admire and praise this palace what wilt thou say when sighting the mansions and castles of my sire the Jann-King?

  23. So I forgot all my travails and troubles at once on sighting him and I was like to fly for joy; but, when he told me of the dear one's departure to the ruth of Allah Almighty, I fainted for stress of distress and disappointment.

  24. As she came alongside, our gangway was lowered, and within an hour from the time of our first sighting her the boat's crew stood upon our deck.

  25. Previously to sighting the island, Walworth, in a conversation with the captain, had allowed him to suppose that Alie was a great heiress, and that ours was a runaway match.

  26. It was just like Lil Artha, when their skiff was directly under the suspected tree, to utter a low gasp, and proceed to elevate his gun in a hurry, as though sighting the quarry.

  27. It was funny to see him squat down like a cat does on sighting a sparrow or a robin, and then jump up to grab the flannel.

  28. It was to the careful sighting of the pieces that our sailors owed much of their victorious career.

  29. Hull, with the Constitution, sending a British frigate to the bottom, showed what Yankee ingenuity in sighting guns could do.

  30. I take it from the answers you have given to my long line of questioning that you never detected or saw Lee Oswald doing any dry firing or dry sighting of a rifle in Irving, Tex.

  31. The lad, who was sighting so carefully, was Ned Preston, and his companion was a colored boy with the unique name of Wildblossom Brown.

  32. After sighting Nootka Sound, Berkley Bay was reached, but just as the Solide was about to enter it, a three-masted ship was seen approaching the harbour from the south, which was precisely what Marchand had intended doing.

  33. After sighting the Cape Arniva of the Dutch, the vessels coasted along the barren, treeless, uninhabited country in possession of the Dutch Company, and shortly reached the Kurile Islands.

  34. Mrs. M'Intyre had given many a look along the track during the afternoon, in the hope of sighting the lads.

  35. During the ride Joe recited his experiences to the squatter, who in return related how Willie had picked up the tracks, sighting first the horse and then the dog, and followed the trail till they came upon the sleeping lad.

  36. Based on that training, his basic knowledge in sight manipulation and trigger squeeze and what not, I would say that he would be capable of sighting that rifle in well, firing it, with 10 rounds.

  37. When the enemy was seen, the sighting ship displayed a banner in the top, and thereupon all the ships met together to discuss what to do.

  38. After sighting and leaving Greenland, many enormous icebergs were met, some upwards of two hundred feet out of the water.

  39. With growing difficulty he managed to climb from rock to rock in hopes of doubling the promontory and sighting the coasts beyond, but the water kept encroaching more and more on his track.

  40. By adjusting the movable discs to the date on the scale for the day of the month, sighting the north star through the hole in the center and then bringing the arm against the "guard stars", the hour was indicated with reasonable accuracy.

  41. I heard him saying, an hour or more ago, that our safety depended upon his sighting the island; and there it is, sure enough.

  42. Sighting carefully, and with the utmost coolness, he pressed gently upon the trigger, and had the satisfaction of seeing the native start to his feet with a shriek of pain, and then collapse suddenly upon the deck.

  43. This induced them to discharge sand and to risk the consequences of another rise into space, and as they mounted they were not reassured by sighting to the south a ridge of lighter colour, which strongly suggested the coast line.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sighting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.