The Master said, To be called a knight, a man must be shamefast in all that he does, if he is sent to the four corners of the earth he must not disgrace his lord's commands.
The Master said, A gentleman is shamefast of speech: his deeds go further.
She is the fountain of your modesty; fountain > source, well-head 9 You shamefast are, but Shamefastness itself is she.
The Countesse somewhat shamefast and abashed, to heare herselfe so greatly praysed of a Prince so greate, began to blushe and taint with roseall colour, the whitenesse of her alablaster face.
She was shamefastat the question, as many a maid hath been.
But now, since I see you be so well content that I shall not forbear boldly to show my folly, I will be no more so shamefast but will ask you what I like.
If you might come afterward and complain your grief unto his own person yourself, you should find him as shamefast as a friend of mine, a merchant, once found the Sultan of Syria.
Sir Ralf observed that the young lady showed a comely shamefast maidenliness, and therewith bowed himself out of the room.
And whan this wyse man saugh that him wanted audience, al shamefast he sette him doun agayn.
And ther-of seith seint Augustin, that swich shamefast folk been next foryevenesse and remissioun.
Few are my years, for I am not so old as KÄnu,-- I am too shamefast and too tender.
In the scuffle one loses both his hat and skull-cap and flees shamefast from the scene.
We all have cause to be shamefast indeed; for whereas we love ourselves in spite of our faults, our friends often love us even on account of our faults, the highest level to which attachment can go.
Make not thou Out of her shamefast maidenhood and fear A sword to cleave your happiness in twain.
The young lady, shamefast and fearful, as feeling herself guilty, knew not what to answer and keeping silence, possessed the other nuns with compassion for her.