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Example sentences for "sexual emotion"

  • It is sometimes said, or implied, that a woman (or a man) sings better under the influence of sexual emotion.

  • A boy of 15 (given to masturbation), studied by Macdonald in America, was similarly hyperæsthetic to the symbols of sexual emotion.

  • The actual period of the menstrual flow, at all events the first two or three days, does not, among European women, usually appear to show any heightening of sexual emotion.

  • It is the spontaneous and natural instinct of the lover to desire modesty in his mistress, and by no means any calculated opinion on his part that modesty is the sign of sexual emotion.

  • We have thus to recognize that sadism by no means involves any love of inflicting pain outside the sphere of sexual emotion, and is even compatible with a high degree of general tender-heartedness.

  • We further have to remark that the spectacle of suffering itself is, to some extent and under some circumstances, a stimulant of sexual emotion.

  • Just as sexual emotion tends to merge into friendship, so friendship between persons of opposite sex, if young, healthy, and attractive, tends to involve sexual emotion.

  • I would suggest that the proximity serves a good end in making the organs more or less secret except at times of sexual emotion or to those in love.

  • Thus we come to recognise fear, anger, or sexual emotion, by just the particular sound which is emitted.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sexual emotion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    body politic; both girls; felt assured; gray wolf; might have been expected; necessary truth; offer them; public officers; sexual attraction; sexual character; sexual characters; sexual congress; sexual exploitation; sexual feeling; sexual gratification; sexual hygiene; sexual impulse; sexual intercourse; sexual life; sexual love; sexual matters; sexual relations; sexual relationships; sexual selection; sexual union; sexually mature