Vpon custome, we see that diuerse Christian Princes and Magistrates seuere punishers of Witches, will not onelie ouer-see Magicians to liue within their dominions; but euen some-times delight to see them prooue some of their practicques.
For the which they haue wood to burne and timber very artificially carued, and corne, and cloth to make them apparell.
On the same day was the towne of saint Seuere deliuered vnto the Englishmen, the which Hugh or (as Abington saith) Robert Veer, brother to the earle of Oxenford tooke vpon him to keepe as capteine there with two hundred men of armes.
Shortlie after that Charles de Valois was departed and gone out of the countrie, the towne of saint Seuere was recouered by the Englishmen.
Besides this, the gods will be seuere reuengers of such an insolencie, for the companions of Vlysses had been preserued from drowning and shipwracke, if they had not stolne Apollos cattell kept by Phaetusa and hir sister Lampetia.
But this Gentlewoman was so seuere in following the rigorous, and constrayned maners of our auncients, as impossible it was, to see hir abroade: except it were when she went to the Church to heare deuine seruice.
And this onelie for his policie in gouernance, seuere administration of iustice, and prouident framing of his lawes and constitutions, for the gouernment of his subiects.
Hir mightie tall personage, comelie shape, seuere countenance, and sharpe voice, with hir long and yellow tresses of heare reaching downe to hir thighes, hir braue and gorgeous apparell also caused the people to haue hir in great reuerence.
Canutus was the first that gaue authoritie to the cleargie to punish whoredome, who at that time found fault with the former lawes as being too seuere in this behalfe.
Then was there a solemne Oyes made, and silence commanded, and then presently beganne their seuere and cruell iudgement.
Oh iust, but seuere Law: I had a brother then; heauen keepe your honour Luc.
Be patient Yorke, if we conclude a Peace It shall be with such strict and seuere Couenants, As little shall the Frenchmen gaine thereby.
Bill set downe[d], and registred of sundry kinds of these slaues of Sathan, all condemned, and God addeth in the same place the reasons of this his seuere and sharpe iudgement against them.
But wise men coniectured, that after this seuere restreint of marriage in the Clergie, it did grow so frequent and familiar among them, that they would not giue way to so generall a punishment.
To my Ryght seuere and ryght worchepfull mayster, my mayster Paston, in hast.
Papistes at home, procured bawdie bookes to be translated out of the Italian tonge, whereby ouer many yong willes and wittes allured to wantonnes, do now boldly contemne all seuere bookes that sounde to honestie and godlines.
One of the greatest benefites, that euer God gaue me, is, that he sent me so sharpe andseuere Parentes, and so ientle a scholemaster.
Peter, as one somewhat seuereof nature, said plainlie, M.
I wishe as moch now, to haue yong men brought vp in good order of liuing, and in some moreseuere discipline, then commonlie they be.
The seuere punishment vsed by king Henry against the Welshmen.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seuere" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.