Senter and Coffinberry, two esteemed citizens, are the candidates.
Senter was at the battle of Tippe-ca-noo, scalped twelve Injuns and wrote a treatise in Horse-shoeing!
Mr. Senter could have gone to Congress longer, but voluntarily retired.
Senter was fully aware of this; and having the power by law to ask for another registration, he did so, and at once issued indiscriminately to the voters of the State the necessary certificates.
The Governor and legislature of the State were to be elected in a short time after Brownlow’s election to the Senate, and Acting Governor Senter was a candidate for the office, as well as Colonel Stokes.
DeWitt Senter was Speaker of the Senate and became Governor by virtue of his office.
Though Senter Klaas has done his level best to visit these children this year, as usual, he is bringing fewer Christmas trees with him--and his bag is lighter.
Tell them to play a waltz," said Miss Senter to Carmela, who was in waiting at the door.
Please go down first and see if Ercole is still quiet," begged Miss Senter of Lady Kay.
Peter Senterwas the American Consul, and his sister Barbara was the Consuless; for she kept house for her brother, who was a bachelor.
Miss Senter ran to her bedroom, her train flying in the haste she made.
And there was a best even to this better; for after the cabinet had been placed in her own room, Miss Senter discovered within it a second hiding-place, even more perfectly concealed than the first.
But Miss Senter was incapable of speaking; she had hidden her face on Lady Kay's shoulder, shuddering.
And with trembling fingers Lady Kay and Miss Senter gave their aid, and after a moment the whole edifice--for it was an edifice--sank to the floor.
Miss Senterrepeated the information to the chief officer.
Miss Senter had chosen Ercole to assist her with the Christmas-tree.
Now remember, Gertrude, you and Miss Senter are to come up and join us instantly if he leaves his place.
Miss Senter had allowed an hour for the inspection and trial of the toys before the dancing should begin.
One could say that these blue wands, ornamented with heraldic devices, were like the spears of knights; this is what Miss Senter said.
And she got Miss Senter out of the drawing-room without attracting notice.
Mrs. Senter came to tell me that they'd all been talking about the way to Bideford, and Sir Lionel said the road was so hilly, he wished we hadn't quite as many passengers in the car.
They seem to be enjoying themselves, so I suppose I ought to be pleased; and Mrs. Senter is agreeable to everybody, though sometimes it has occurred to me that she and Ellaline don't hit it off invariably.
I dream horrid dreams about Mrs. Senter and Dick Burden, and about Ellaline, too, but I always laugh when I wake up.
Mrs. Senter and I knew what was happening to us, off we dashed on pony-back after the hunt.
I was just as sure as that I was alive, that Mrs. Senter didn't mean to leave the library until Sir Lionel had made her a present of himself, his books, and his castle.
I very politely let Mrs. Senter see that I appreciated her true disinterestedness in repeating to me this tragic family history; and of course she was a cat twice over to do it.
However, she seems good-natured, as if even to please Mrs. Senter she wouldn't care to do me a bad turn.
I felt, if Mrs. Senter beamed at me from under her becoming motor-hat at starting, I should do her a mischief, and if Emily smirked inoffensively I should throw Murray in her face.
He is young, and love has made him modest," Mrs. Senter excused her favourite.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "senter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.