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Example sentences for "segmented"

Lexicographically close words:
segge; segment; segmental; segmentally; segmentation; segmenting; segments; segne; segno; segregate
  1. They resemble those of the sprat and pilchard in having a segmented yolk and there is no oil globule.

  2. This notochord represents the persistent primordial skeletal axis which, in the higher Craniata (though not so in the lower), gives way by substitution to the segmented vertebral column.

  3. One of the theoretic transverse divisions of any segmented animal.

  4. But, as in other insects, the general arrangement of the muscles is based on the segmented structure of the body.

  5. There is, however, an important advance on the segmented worms.

  6. The segmented structure of a flea is there most clearly seen; this we may suppose is an inheritance from the segmented worms.

  7. They may be distinguished from all other Arachnids by the fact that the distinctly segmented abdomen is divided into a broad basal region of seven segments and a terminal, slender, tail-like division of five distinct segments.

  8. The body is distinctly segmented and is divided into head, thorax, and abdomen.

  9. Usually elongate fleas, with a free-segmented flagellum of the antenna; thorax not shorter than the head, longer than the first tergite.

  10. Beak four-segmented, or with two-segmented tarsi.

  11. The four segmented labium or proboscis encloses the lancet-like maxillae and mandibles.

  12. The narrower neck is short and merges into the segmented body, which gradually widens to half an inch or more.

  13. The neck is narrow, thread-like, about an inch long, and merges into the segmented body, which gradually widens to the extent mentioned.

  14. Succeeding the head is a short, slightly narrower, flattened neck, which merges into the gradually widening and segmented body.

  15. While in Pleuracanthus the lateral halves are distinct (and segmented like the branchial arches), in living Selachians generally the two halves are completely fused ventrally with one another.

  16. Like the other segmented organs of the vertebrate the archinephros develops from before backwards.

  17. As development goes on each of these ridges becomes segmented into a row of pocket valves with their openings directed anteriorly so that regurgitation causes them to open out and occlude the lumen by their free edges meeting.

  18. The biserial archipterygium consists of a segmented axial rod, bearing a praeaxial and a postaxial series of jointed rays.

  19. In spite of their sluglike appearance the leeches are segmented worms, although the wrinkles on their gray, mottled skins do not indicate the position of the segments beneath.

  20. Segmented worms are long, jointed creatures composed of body rings or segments.

  21. Shortly after the egg has segmented (divided into many cells) the embryo may be seen developing on one side of the egg.

  22. The wormlike animals are grouped into flatworms, roundworms, and segmented or jointed worms.

  23. Leaves irregularly pinnatifid or lobed, not segmented into definitely paired divisions (coarse plants 4-8 dm.

  24. In Coccosteus he claims to find a pelvic girdle as well as a more segmented skeleton.

  25. This theory is now seriously questioned, but it will be convenient to retain the name for the pectoral fin with segmented axis fringed on one or both sides by soft rays.

  26. In the Diplospondyli (Hexanchidae) the imperfectly segmented vertebrae are joined in pairs, each pair having two neural arches.

  27. In the Elasmobranchs (sharks, rays, chimaeras) the tissues surrounding the notochord are segmented and in most forms distinct vertebrae are developed.

  28. Each fin consists of a long segmented axis fringed on one or both sides with fin-rays.

  29. The cranium and segmented vertebral column indicate a more advanced stage of development of the vertebrate line than that from which the living Marsipobranchs must have originated.

  30. In the Botryllidae and Polystyelidae the individuals are not segmented and in the former family are arranged in star-shaped groups about a common cloaca, into which the atrial siphons of the different individuals open.

  31. The externally segmented condition of the body disappears.

  32. The pectoral fins are short and broad, without segmented axis or archipterygium and without recognizable analogue of the three large cartilages seen in the sharks, the propterygium, mesopterygium, and metapterygium.

  33. The small subset of language used in social life and in professional interaction is representative of the segmented nature of this life and of the interactions it supports.

  34. In short, we have many mediations against the background of a powerful integrative process: the pragmatic framework of a highly segmented economy, working in shorter production cycles, for a global world.

  35. To specialize means to be involved in practical experiences through which skills and knowledge pertinent to activity segmented through labor division are acquired.

  36. Distinctions in language are introduced once this experience of self-constitution is segmented and various forms of labor division are brought about by expectations of efficiency.

  37. Whether embodied in fast food chains, in microwave nourishment, in the television cooking shows, there is an illusion of self-determination, continuously reinforced in the seductive reality of a segmented world of competing partial literacies.

  38. Conflicts are as segmented as the world itself, since clear- cut distinctions between good and bad no longer function effectively.

  39. Time is segmented beyond human perception and control; space expands beyond what a person can conceive and control.

  40. Films are mediating expressions better adapted than language to a more segmented reality of social existence.

  41. Mediated and segmented experiences and vague commitments, which evolve into a frame of vague morality, dominate family life today.

  42. Insects are developed from eggs, but in their young state they are segmented larvae, with strong jaws, antennae, simple eyes, and usually three pairs of legs attached to the first three segments next to the head.

  43. Others start life with four pairs of limbs, attached to the front portion of the body, a segmented abdomen, as yet perfectly limbless, and a pair of compound eyes.

  44. The vegetation had mainly flattened, was drying up, and he could see everywhere the little ball-segmented insects humping and squirming about.

  45. When he dug his arrow out, he saw that it was no wormlike insect, no segmented creature.

  46. There were many tiny creatures, a half inch to an inch in length, looking at first like ants but on closer inspection appearing more like three-segmented worms, for they lacked legs and moved in an inchworm's fashion.

  47. The other four groups of segmented animals possess in common the feature of jointed appendages and a covering of chitinous plates, and are brought together under the term Arthropoda.

  48. This hypothesis is most strongly supported by the comparative anatomy, and by the ontogeny of some Star-fishes (Colastra), and of segmented worms.

  49. The form of these Primaeval Crabs, which were developed out of segmented worms, is still approximately preserved by the remarkable Nauplius, in the common larval stage of so many Crabs.

  50. That part of the female or the male which bears the three pairs of feet, when the feet are present; or, if the feet are absent, the middle portion of the body, segmented or not.

  51. Female of the second stage more or less elliptical, slightly convex, brown in colour beneath the thin white felted covering, which usually presents a segmented appearance, due to the transverse rows of prominent spinnerets.

  52. The posterior half of the body of male or female, whether joined to the anterior half or slightly separated, segmented or not.

  53. But in all segmented animals the only unsegmented tube which extends the whole length of the body, from mouth to anus, is invariably the gut.

  54. These drawings show that the frontal part of the shield covered a markedly segmented part of the animal; five distinct segments are visible apart from the median most anterior region.

  55. Now, from an embryological point of view, the vertebrate shows that it is a segmented animal by the formation of somites, which consist of a series of divisions of the coelom, of which the walls form a series of muscular and skeletal segments.

  56. It supposes that bilaterally symmetrical, elongated, segmented animals were formed from the very first in two distinct ways.

  57. In the very case of the origin of the Appendiculata we are confronted with one of the large problems of evolution--the origin of segmented from non-segmented animals--the solution of which is not yet known.

  58. In the former case the origin of almost all {496}the vertebrate organs is absolutely hypothetical, no clue is given in Balanoglossus, not even to the segmented nature of the vertebrate.

  59. Still, however, the vertebrate is a segmented animal and its segmented nature is visible in the cranial region, so far as the skeletal tissues are concerned, in the shape of the series of branchial and visceral bars.

  60. Hatschek describes in Amphioxus how the coelom splits into a dorsal segmented portion, the protovertebra, and a ventral unsegmented portion, the lateral plates.

  61. But on any other hypothesis this segmented structure is inexplicable.

  62. Now the larvæ of the fleas are completely similar in structure to those of the gnat-type, since they possess a corneous head with the typical mouth parts and antennæ and a 13-segmented body devoid of legs.

  63. In that case, how did the supposed colonies thrown off by a segmented clan, manage to change their totems, as they did, on Dr.

  64. Not a man or woman in the segmented portion of clan Eagle Hawk can now have a wife or a husband, for they can only marry Crows.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "segmented" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.