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Example sentences for "seeing nothing"

  • Unsteadily, seeing nothing plain, Anna walked out of the church.

  • She had come with the intention of saying something definite; and she looked at the stage with a furrow between her brows, seeing nothing, her hands squeezed together in her lap.

  • Then she shut the door and leaned her forehead against the window-pane, seeing nothing.

  • While she breathed him for a time, she looked about her along the curves of the road, seeing nothing of her companions, and realizing that she was quite alone.

  • She had risen, and stood looking straight before her, seeing nothing.

  • I was alone, poverty-stricken, and in middle life, seeing nothing before me except danger and hardship, and these unrelieved by hope or affection.

  • Rosalind gave him her nearest recollection, seeing nothing to be gained by doing otherwise.

  • His eyes do not kindle at hers in his old way, and might be seeing nothing, for all there is in them to tell of it.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seeing nothing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    civil law system influenced; condition that; fair lords; general superintendent; little white; marbled edges; never goin; offered upon the altar; olden time; seeing her; seeing him; seeing nothing; seeing that; seeing their; seeing them; seeing things; seeing this; seeing what; small percentage; social economy; sweet almonds; that side; who took; will refer; working power; younger brother