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Example sentences for "secundum quid"

  • But we do not call it "perfect" simply, unless it has all the actuality we conceive to be due to its nature: so long as it lacks any of this it is only perfect secundum quid, i.

  • Aristotle recognizes that the same predicate may often be affirmed of the subject secundum quid, and denied of the subject simply and absolutely.

  • Each of the Categories has its own distinct relation to the subject; predication secundum quid is distinguished from predication simpliciter, simple from combined or compound, &c.

  • But the species always partakes of its genus wholly, not partially or secundum quid; thus, man is not partially animal, but wholly or essentially animal.

  • There will be a material difference in setting out the terms of the syllogism, according as the predication is qualified (secundum quid) or absolute (simpliciter).

  • He takes what is true of a term secundum quid, treats it as true of the same term simpliciter, and then, of course, applies it to the term secundum aliud.

  • For he that separateth not from the church in any thing essential to it, doth not truly and simply separate from the church, but secundum quid, from something separable from the church.

  • The church might be fitly denominated visible secundum quid, if Christ himself were invisible; because the politic body is visible, the dispersed officers, assemblies, and laws are visible.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "secundum quid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    black buck; economic importance; establish the; evangelical truth; kept back; line upon; more careful; nice time; orbital foramen; proud woman; released from; scalded milk; second lieutenant; secundum quid; sooner heard; sweet wine; take him; then going; this period; well soaked; when death; white sandstone