Some additions came from the secularization of church and cloister property, and others by the slices which the princes as Obermärker secured from the Mark forests by various artifices.
All this means no resumption of church-going, but, by the confession of the Churches, a completer secularization of the Sunday.
In France clerical secularization was most typically mediaeval, because there the functions and fortunes of the higher clergy were most inextricably involved in feudalism.
Ecclesiastical principalities=, secularization of, on the Rhine, ii.
The usual decree for the secularization of education was promulgated and the Catholic bishops protested.
One of the cries of the rebel leaders is for the secularization of the schools, and this cry, emanating from infidel and secret society sources, will assuredly be echoed by the Protestant ministers.
Secularization of education is always the first cry among those who oppose the Catholic religion.
The puppet-show, which was perhaps not the least among the factors leading to the secularization of the drama, was not only universally to be found during the Middle Ages, but in India it made its appearance at an early period.
The decimal principle likewise exercised a certain influence upon the division of time, and it is surely not accidental that such influence coincides with epochs that are strongly characterized by a secularization of human interests.
Indeed, even in the corroboree, these episodes are frequently so numerous as to crowd out completely the cult purpose--an early anticipation of the secularization which everywhere took place in the art that originated in cult.
In them, we can still follow, step by step, the growth of dramatic art out of church liturgy, and the resultant secularization of the religious play.
The country as a whole had pronounced in favour of the abolition of the seigneurial tenure and the secularization of the clergy reserves.
Money order offices were first opened on December 1st; reciprocity was established between Canada and the United States; the seigneurial tenure was abolished and the secularization of clergy reserves was brought about.
Grown bold by success, the advanced section of the Upper-Canadian Radicals pressed for the immediate secularization of the Clergy Reserves[5] by a process scarcely distinguishable from confiscation.
The basis of the coalition was an agreement to carry out the principal measures foreshadowed in the speech from the throne--including the abolition of the Seigneurial Tenure[10] and the secularization of the Clergy Reserves.
First came the secularization of several abbeys, which the revolution of the sixteenth century had respected, in the northern cantons, and the confiscation of the Church of Zurich, which was handed over to the alt-Catholics.
But it knows too well that secularization and the code Napoleon, once introduced into the edifice of the temporal power, would undermine it and cause it to fall, simply by removing its principal supports—clerical privileges and canon law.
The document concluded by proposing the secularization of the Roman government, and the establishment of an Italian confederation, of which the Pope should have the honorary presidency, whilst Piedmont should have the real control.
In accord with Prussia, he admitted the principle of the granting of indemnities to the deposed Italian princes by the secularization of the ecclesiastical territories in Germany.
Napoleon ceded to the Emperor the Principality of Wurtzburg for one of the archdukes; the secularization of the Teutonic Order was agreed upon to the profit of Austria; the latter power was to pay a war indemnity of forty millions.
It is to this creed that he opposes his "secularization of morals," which must take the place of their supposed sacred origin, because the authority of the latter is rapidly dying out of the world.
Now that moral injunctions are losing the authority given by their supposed sacred origin, the secularization of morals is becoming imperative.
Moreover, how is the transition from the sacred source of the simpler moral injunctions to the secularization of morals to be effected?
I do not, therefore, recognize what he considers the supreme practical necessity for "the secularization of morals" to take the place of a system which is worn out.
I suppose the secularization of morals means the complete renovation of our ideas of right and wrong, by taking as the sole standard the pleasure or pain, the happiness or unhappiness, which actions will produce.
This is the vacuum which he says can be and must be filled by the secularization of morals.
The gradual secularization of prostitution from its earlier religious form has been traced by various writers (see, e.
But while this secularization of marriage represents the general and final drift of Protestantism, the leaders of Protestantism were themselves not altogether confident and clear-sighted in the matter.
Let us now inquire how the secularization of Trinity College would please the Roman Catholic party in Ireland.
Through his influence the law of secularization was repealed, and an act passed restoring the property of the missions.
This plan, which, by making the Papacy hereditary, would have ended in the secularization of the papal State, failed through the sudden death of Pietro.
Under the pontificate of the same man, Lorenzo Valla concluded his famous declamation against the gift of Constantine with the wish for the speedy secularization of the States of the Church.
The bishops still retain their title of Prince, but they lost their power as territorial rulers at the time of the secularization which took place throughout Tyrol, and also in the principality of Salzburg.
As was not unnatural with the secularization of the power ruling the Province the capital suffered heavily.
After Responsible Government had become an accomplished fact, there was no measure so imperatively demanded by Upper Canadian Reformers as the secularization of the Clergy Reserves.
He voted for the secularization of the Clergy Reserves, and his voice was occasionally heard in support of measures relating to public improvements.
Because the Indians were not capable of caring for themselves at the time of the secularization of the missions, the padres are often severely blamed.
Protestantism may flourish under the impartiality, neutrality, and secularization of education at which the originators of that system aimed; but Catholicism must inevitably become deteriorated.
These works represent at one and the same time the climax of accomplishment in the musical treatment and the secularization of the missal text.
As the number of these plays rapidly increased, there resulted a secularization of treatment and the admission of Senecan as well as Terentian influence.
But something more than secularization of the course of study is required to satisfy the idea of a university.
The secularization of the College is no violation of its motto, "Christo et Ecclesiæ.
We only desire to guard ourselves from appearing to assume the probability of the secularization of our English schools on the ground of the step having been already taken in France.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "secularization" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.