The outer edges of each scutum are prolonged into curved hooked spines.
The abdomen is finely granulate and at the lower edge of each scutumthere are eight heavy, short, simple hairs.
The first scutum is the shortest and broadest, and has the heavier spine or hook, while the last two segments often lack the hook.
Each scutum with a dark spot on each side and each dark spot surrounded by long, simple hairs arranged in a definite order.
The occludent margin of the scutum in the largest female, was .
Complemental Male of Scalpellum vulgare, attached over the fold in the occludent margin of the scutum of the hermaphrodite.
By a very strong light, they can sometimes just be seen whilst the parasite is attached to the hermaphrodite (the scutum of the latter having been cleaned on the under side), and are thus represented in fig.
The creature is imbedded more than half its length or depth in the transparent, spine-bearing chitine border of the scutum of the hermaphrodite.
Ibla quadrivalvis; internal view of scutum and tergum, and of the upper part of the outer integument of the peduncle; magnified four times.
A transparent layer of chitine, which forms a border to the occludent margin of the scutum of the hermaphrodite.
Scutum of the hermaphrodite Scalpellum vulgare, internal view of.
In one specimen, and only on one side, thescutum (fig.
Right-hand scutumalone furnished with an internal umbonal tooth: uppermost part of peduncle dark-coloured.
The scutum overlaps either about one third or even one half of the entire width of the tergum, and abuts against a prominent longitudinal ridge on its exterior surface.
The tergum has a small articular ridge, against which the overlapping horny articular ridge of the scutum abuts.
Scutum striated longitudinally: tergum with the spur truncated, the basi-carinal margin generally much hollowed out, and the carinal margin protuberant in the upper part.
Verruca nexa, with the valves separated, the left hand scutumand tergum being the fixed and modified pair.
Scutum thick, with from one to six longitudinal rows of little pits.
Most shell-hunters would pass by a Scutum abiguum, not thinking it had a shell embedded in its folds.
Then the operculum disappears, as in the limpet, and the covering shell becomes smaller and smaller, till in the Scutum ambiguum (Plate IX.
Scutellum densely punctate like the scutum (in the first species).
Girault All the species have the postmarginal vein shorter than the stigmal or no longer, save where noted; the parapsidal furrows are distinct, but very short, joining before the middle of the scutum from cephalad.
Its common name is derived from the single silvery spot on the scutum of the female.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scutum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: armor; carapace; cortex; mail; plate; scale; shell; shield; test