Tommy Caffrey scramblesto a gaslamp and, clasping, climbs in spasms.
A bandy child, asquat on the doorstep with a paper shuttlecock, crawls sidling after her in spurts, clutches her skirt, scrambles up.
Lord Bath and Lord Grenville spoke vehemently for it: the former in as wild a speech, with much parts, as ever he made in his patriot days; and with as little modesty he lamented the scrambles that he had seen for power!
One scrambles over a huge terrace, on which mountain ashes and various trees spring out of the very rocks; and at the brow is the don, but not spacious enough for such an inmate.
Between the ledges by which these traverses are in the main effected, and the beach below, scrambles of every variety of difficulty may be found, some being amongst the hardest mauvais pas with which I am acquainted.
Thenceforward he lived at his ease, amusing himself by rambles and scrambles far and near among the fells.
The musician hastily scrambles to his feet and bows profoundly.
This was the origin of my scrambles amongst the Alps.
My scrambles amongst the Alps were a sort of apprenticeship in the art of mountaineering, and they were, for the most part, carried out in the company of men who were masters of their craft.
If I could blot out every reminiscence, or erase every memory, still I should say that my scramblesamongst the Alps have repaid me, for they have given me two of the best things a man can possess--health and friends.
If I could blot out every reminiscence or erase every memory, still I should say that my scrambles amongst the Alps have repaid me, for they have given me two of the best things a man can possess--health and friends.
These scrambles amongst the Alps were holiday excursions, and as such they should be judged.
The yak lives among the mountains, sometimes climbing to a height of fully twenty thousand feet, and scrambles about among the boulders with wonderful activity.
As soon as he is able to get out of the nest, he scrambles about in the bushes.
No flycatcher ever scrambles around like a fussy little warbler, snatching a fly here and there.
Above it rises to the northwards a series of coombs, or high-lying valleys, which can be traversed by separate and often interesting scrambles till the main ridge is reached.
Between this and the north ridge a large scree gully leads up to the highest part of the mountain, and from it on the right several shortscrambles on good slabby rocks are obtainable.
Mahoney is dead, the present re-issue of Whymper's "Scrambles amongst the Alps" testifies marvellously to his powers.
Perched up on a dirty, thin, white horse which scrambles along somehow, while the great iron stirrups, shaped like shovels, dangle far below your feet.
And one of the most enticing of the little interruptions to a steady hour's work scrambles over the raised doorstep, tripping and tumbling in her eagerness to get in.
It is instructive to see the way she scrambles out of her hammock before she is quite awake, and her sleepy stagger across the room is often interrupted by a tumble.
The horse picks up his head andscrambles along with new zest.
The canyon begins near the lower end of the meadows and extends to the Hetch Hetchy Valley, a distance of about eighteen miles, though it will seem much longer to any one who scrambles through it.
In so doing he bursts whatever fastenings may have bound him and his burden together, scrambles ashore, and leaves the kajavehs floating on the water!
As the dripping charger scrambles up the bank, the khan allows himself to be hauled up high and dry by its tail; he then looks back at his comrades and favors them with a brief but highly exaggerated account of his sensations.
Scrambles in the Alps reached the summit in bad weather.
I scrambles on to this an' breathes ag'in, 'cause I knows no deer is ever compiled yet who makes the trip.
The dwarf scrambles up the point of rock again, while the nymphs, who think that he is still chasing them, swim far away from him, and he seizes the gold and plunges down to the bottom with it.
Such wandering about at high levels is a new and agreeable experience to mountaineers accustomed to the long scrambles that the greater ranges afford.
Glimpses of such sights are often granted to the mere climber as he hastily scrambles over a bergschrund by an insecure snow-bridge; but he has no time to stop for half an hour and let his fancy play truant in the depths.
The next important step was the publication of Mr. Edward Whymper's Scramblesamongst the Alps, which rapidly attained popularity of the best kind.
Do not plan to move on from day to day, but settle down for a week or more at one spot, where there are rocks for a tent platform, and short scrambles that can be safely undertaken alone.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scrambles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.