Then they winked out, and there was nothing left upon the scaffolding but lancing flames and scurrying shadows.
Benedict resuscitated the monk upon whom the wall fell," the scene of the death taking place in the background, the Devil having precipitated him from the scaffolding on which he was at work.
Certain payments are made to Polidoro, son of Maestro Luca, for colours and plaster, the removing of the scaffolding of the chapel, and for a part of his salary.
On a scaffolding raised for the purpose sat Cardinal Winchester, the two judges, and thirty-three assessors, of whom many had their scribes seated at their feet.
At the very moment the Bishop discontinued reading the sentence of condemnation, stones flew upon the scaffolding without any respect for the Cardinal.
The huge steel ribs of the ship towered upward amid the scaffolding nearly as high as a five-story building.
Consequently after the ship is in drydock the workmen build a wooden scaffolding about the broken sternframe, so that they can work the better.
Among the crowd which daily assembled to gaze at it from below was a roofer of houses, who, after a long and silent examination, went to the government and offered to repair it without any scaffolding or assistance of any kind.
Government became perplexed how to repair it, for to raise a scaffolding to such a height would cost more than the angel was worth.
Ludovico had been with her on her scaffolding during the few hours of light of the short afternoon.
She was on the scaffolding in the church, which had been prepared for her to make her copies of the mosaics.
And yet, you know, you were up and well yesterday morning, when you were with the young girl who came to copy the mosaics, you know, on the scaffolding in the church?
A scaffolding has been prepared for me; and I went to see that all was ready.
She made the attempt to return to the scaffolding by the side of the window, but she found that her strength was unequal to the task.
Oh, I went into the chapel in the morning, as I very often do, to recite the litany of the Virgin, and if she had remained on her scaffolding I should probably not have noticed her.
I was up at a high window in the church on the scaffolding prepared for my work," said Paolina, deadly pale, and breathless with apprehension.
At San Vitale Ludovico needed to take nobody into his confidence, when he climbed to Paolina's scaffolding to be by her side while she worked, save the old sacristan.
Paolina, suddenly and sharply, turning very pale, and grasping the parapet rung of the scaffolding as she spoke, "look!
Bramante raised a scaffolding in the chapel and several painters who had had practical experience in fresco painting were brought from Florence.
He had the scaffolding removed and uncovered the ceiling sooner than he had intended.
He began by declaring that Bramante's scaffolding was of no use and replaced it with one of his own invention.
The next day, however, they began again and when the pope threatened to have him thrown from his scaffolding Michelangelo had to give way.
At minus fifteen minutes, the trio was in the dome, checking personal equipment, while outside, the scaffolding ponderously slid away, section by section.
He stopped, leaning against scaffolding as he saw a familiar figure turn toward him.
WHEN I was a young man, working at my trade as a mason, I met with a severe injury by falling from a scaffolding placed at a height of forty feet from the ground.
A part of the scaffolding was struck, and the delight of the old Pope was unbounded.
When the scaffolding was at last removed, the artist thought for a time he had done his last work.
They were up on the top of a big new concrete chimney, over one hundred and sixty feet tall, and started to complete their job by tearing away the scaffolding on the inside as they worked down.
The scaffolding that had held in place was only about fifty feet below the men, but they had used so much of their clothing in making ropes that they were both badly burned in sliding that distance.
In this process the coagulum only plays a passive rĂ´le by forming a scaffolding on which the granulation tissue is built up.
Two men were working in a gasometer, when the rope that held theirscaffolding broke.
As the moulding had all to be re-done, somescaffolding poles and boards were brought in and laid on one side of the great hall, and also a great wooden tank or box for mixing the lime, which was laid in bags beside it.
The propositions of logic describe the scaffolding of the world, or rather they represent it.
The crafty painter, having promised to do all that the bishop desired, caused a stout scaffolding and screen of wood-work to be made before the building, saying that he could not be seen to paint such a thing.
But the latter, after waiting some time, and finding that the painter did not reappear, caused the scaffoldingto be taken down, and discovered that Buonamico had been making a jest of him.
The scaffolding is terribly against saving it, and the wind is high, too," said Raeburn, scanning the place all over with his keen eyes.
Half-choked with the smoke, he crossed the room and looked out of the window, the hot breath of the flames from the scaffoldingscorching his face.
He threw open the door of the room whence the cry had come; the scaffolding outside had caught fire, and the flames were darting in at the window.
A plasterer's scaffolding that looks fairly nobby at sunset is a grim, unsightly skeleton at breakfast-time.
The attack on his part was particularly direct when one stops to consider that there wasn't any view to be had from where we were sitting, unless one could call a three-decked plasterer's scaffolding a view.
It was while the mosque was still crowded with the scaffolding erected to carry on this most interesting work, that M.
But the guards seized the giant, and, notwithstanding his cries and prayers for mercy, struck off his hand with a sword upon the wood of the scaffolding and he was carried away groaning.
We won our way with much struggle through the great crowds that were already gathered in the streets till we reached the scaffolding of timber, which was roofed in with an awning and gaily hung with scarlet cloths.
We then thrust him out, and he stood shivering upon the cross-boarding of the scaffolding level with the window-sills.
I observed that there was a scaffolding over the front of the lodge; but whether it were for the purpose of repairing or taking down, I could not then discover.
The scaffolding had been standing through the whole of the previous winter; and the poles, and more especially the ropes that bound them to the cross-piece, had already gone through several stages of decay.
Nature was to them not merely a dumb, but an altogether lifeless image, in whose inmost being even no living word dwelt; a hollow scaffolding of forms, of which as hollow an image was to be transferred to the canvas, or hewn out of stone.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scaffolding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: frame; rack; scaffold; stage