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Example sentences for "sauve"

Lexicographically close words:
sauted; sauteed; sauter; sauterne; sauvages; sauver; savage; savagely; savageness; savagery
  1. The fatal cry of sauve qui peut was heard everywhere: the French were now flying pellmell in the most woeful confusion.

  2. I saw him ride off, followed by a disordered crowd of frightened fugitives, who, on reaching the chapparal, took to their heels with the instinct of sauve qui peut.

  3. He was not even assisted by his subordinates--for each individual, yielding to the true instinct of sauve qui peut, was seeking his own safety.

  4. It was a case of sauve qui peut, devil take the hindmost.

  5. It hurt him very much that he should crown so many years of fidelity with such a black act, but it seemed a question of sauve qui peut.

  6. Then Henry turned away from Madame de Sauve as happy as the Duc de Guise had been when he left Marguerite de Valois.

  7. But if you are waiting for Madame de Sauve you will wait in vain, for she is occupied in my apartments.

  8. Yesterday I saw him enter a house, and an instant later Madame de Sauve joined him there.

  9. Marguerite darted down the corridor, but when she reached the end of it she turned to make sure that Madame de Sauve was not lingering behind.

  10. A short silence followed, during which Catharine continued to gaze on Madame de Sauve as the serpent looks at the bird it wishes to fascinate.

  11. Madame de Sauve had been there in her absence.

  12. On leaving Madame de Sauve Henry had said to her: "Go to bed, Charlotte.

  13. It was at the time, when Cavalier had so incomprehensively taken the town of Sauve in the middle of the mountains and laid it under contribution.

  14. Now resting, now walking, I found myself in the twilight of morning in the district of Sauve among the recesses of the mountains.

  15. A scattering discharge from their rifles was followed by something very much approaching a sauve qui peut.

  16. A lady prisoner named Sauve asked to have made for her a dress of white silk, dotted with green flowers.

  17. A lady named Sauve wanted a dress of white silk spotted with green flowers.

  18. Then with the fisherfolk it is a case of sauve qui peut as regards the boats.

  19. From that moment it was a sauve qui peut.

  20. The route now complete, with the scarlet coats it was sauve qui peut; with the green ones only a question of cutting down the panic-stricken fugitives, or making prisoner those who cried "Quarter!

  21. So close, he no longer thought of cumbering himself with prisoners, but swept on past those at the hostelry in a sauve qui peut flight, their guards going along, and leaving them there in a state of supreme bewilderment.

  22. Madame de Sauve obeyed the formal order she had received, but with her eyes and voice only.

  23. Whilst Madame de Sauve is reading, a terrible cry and a pistol-shot are heard, followed by the noise of a struggle from the direction of the King of Navarre's apartment.

  24. I plainly saw that it was a case of sauve qui peut, and that I must take care of myself.

  25. We called in vain for assistance; it was a case of sauve qui peut and every one for himself, in a trice the cords that bound the prisoner were cut, and three men had very quickly the best of us.

  26. He heard it all, he saw the confusion, the first signs of sauve qui peut.

  27. They are scared and half mad," said Lucas of Sparendam, "in five minutes the sauve qui peut will commence.

  28. At any hour--any moment now there may be a call of sauve qui peut.

  29. We lie low for the present and when sauve qui peut is called we come straight back here and free you .

  30. Sauve qui peut was the order of the day.

  31. There were some among them who had covered two hundred leagues without daring to look back; sauve qui peut was the order of the day.

  32. De Sauve almost the last; and a short space after, as if not to appear to have been with him, appeared the Admiral and his son-in-law.

  33. Sauve and a few grooms to be ready instantly to ride with him.

  34. She could only submit, and Catherine herself add that there was room for Madame de Sauve and Mademoiselle de Nid de Merle.

  35. How will the quaking lips which throughout the length and breadth of this vast hecatomb now cry, "Sauve qui peut!

  36. Sauve qui peut" is echoed now and re-echoed all along the crest of the plateau.

  37. The British in front, the Prussians in the rear: "Sauve qui peut!

  38. The silence of the night was broken by the thunder of flying horses' hoofs, by the cries of "Sauve qui peut!

  39. Many of the women of St. Sauve wore the black cap or bonnet of Mont-Dore, which hangs to the shoulders.

  40. I consulted some of the people of St. Sauve respecting my plan of following the Dordogne through its gorges.

  41. Then I left the valley in order to pass through the village of St. Sauve on the right-hand hill.

  42. The greater part of the Canadians, to borrow the words of Dumas, "fled shamefully, crying 'Sauve qui peut!

  43. This brought them partly into view, and the rifles of the emigrants on that side bore on them till they broke in sheer terror and fled in a scattered sauve qui peut.

  44. Little by little the wagon parks gathered on the north bank, each family assorting its own goods and joining in the general sauve qui peut.

  45. The third writing PITY, with this decree; Pour ta pitie Jesu regarde, Et met cest a me, en sauve garde.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sauve" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.