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Example sentences for "said lightly"

  • Oh," he said lightly, "that is easy enough, and yet you would not understand it.

  • I haven't anybody just hanging around to do things like this for me,' he said lightly as he rejoined his guests.

  • I'll chase up to the pool and give Helen a drink of real water,' he said lightly.

  • John thinks he's a great little josher, Miss Helen,' he said lightly.

  • I have just been complimenting Miss Larpent on the excellence of her get-up," he said lightly.

  • So," he said lightly, "the villain scores at last!

  • You won't always be a boy of sixteen, you know, Toby," he said lightly.

  • I wanted to call her after you," he said lightly, "But I was afraid Jake might object.

  • John said nothing, and the other quietly went to the tree where his horse was fastened, and untying and mounting his steed, said lightly: "Have you any messages to send to our fort?

  • Really, you two might be conspirators," he said lightly.

  • We're looking very tragical about it," he said lightly.

  • Your pardon," he said lightly, "for this long digression.

  • I burnt my fingers and forgot my manners," he said lightly.

  • Then we shall have another game of chess much sooner than we anticipated, your Excellency," I said lightly.

  • I have been endeavouring to cheer up Madame d'Artelle, Miss Gilmore," he said lightly.

  • Well, if Madame was only fooling me with her letter I suppose I may as well go again," he said lightly.

  • Implying, I presume," he said lightly, "that in this particular question you are on one side and I upon the other.

  • You only asked me the meaning," he said lightly.

  • No," he said lightly; "I am not afraid, Lady Blakeney.

  • We'll call it that," he said lightly, "since it seems to please thee.

  • There are many things in this world and the next, mejuffrouw," he said lightly, "that are true though some of us believe them not.

  • It is an unfortunate contretemps, and I regret that it distresses you," he said lightly; then with a sudden change of manner he laid his hands on the Vicomte's shoulders.

  • I detest mediocrity," he said lightly, as he passed on into the other room.

  • You make a very charming boy," he said lightly, with a faint smile, "but it was not a boy that I saw in Biskra.

  • These are the proofs of your parentage," he said lightly.

  • Come," he said lightly, "will you not kiss me, my beautiful Suzanne?

  • Just a few turbulent blackguards," he said lightly, as he made a quick attempt at readjusting the set of his coat and the position of his satin stock.

  • Here's the victim, Mr. Humpage,' he said lightly.

  • Ars est celare artem," as Mr. Bancroft remarks at the Haymarket,' he said lightly.

  • Well, Dinah lass," he said lightly, "you look as if it had cost something of an effort to land your catch.

  • Oh, no one expects to sleep here," he said lightly.

  • I've just been accusing him of cutting his brother out," he said lightly.

  • It's a case of Cinderella and the prince," he said lightly.

  • You and Herrendene behaved shockingly last night," he said lightly.

  • You've bowled over every man here, as a matter of course," he said lightly.

  • You haven't done it yet," he said lightly.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "said lightly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    certain insects; her book; highly remarkable; much earlier; primitive society; said about; said above; said aloud; said angrily; said carelessly; said dolefully; said excitedly; said gently; said gruffly; said hoarsely; said laughing; said mamma; said pleasantly; said politely; said poor; said softly; said somebody; said the crown prince; said the old gentleman; said the old lady; said then