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Example sentences for "saga"

Lexicographically close words:
safflower; saffron; saft; saftly; sag; sagacious; sagaciously; sagacity; sagamite; sagamores
  1. There are passages in this saga that reveal the very aspect of the soul of Heathcliff.

  2. He appears again in the saga of the Queen Augusta, the woman of the "brown mountain side".

  3. The saga of Andy Burnett: Andy's first chore.

  4. The saga of Andy Burnett: The big council.

  5. The saga of Andy Burnett: Land of the enemies.

  6. The saga of Andy Burnett: The white man's medicine.

  7. Then all of you four give an interpretation of my saga quite perverse from the real meaning, and if the Dakini be prudent and full of understanding she will open her lips to speak to vindicate the right meaning of the story.

  8. All the forms, except those of the prose saga and its kinsman the German verse folk-epic, are found first in French.

  9. The Saga of Egil Skallagrimsson, again, shifts its special points of attraction.

  10. But outlawry and fine by no means closed the incident invariably, though they sometimes did so far as the feud was concerned: and there is hardly one saga which does not mainly or partly turn on a tangle of outrages and inquests.

  11. The defects of this are obvious, and may be probably enough accounted for in part by the supposition of the experts above referred to--that the saga as we have it is rather later than the other great sagas, and is a patchwork of divers hands.

  12. It may be perhaps expected that before, in the second place, summing the other branches of the saga of this William of Orange, it should be said who he was.

  13. So much of the interest of a saga depends on small points constantly varied and renewed, that only pretty full abstracts of the contents of one can give much idea of them.

  14. Jonckbloët, who takes a less wide range, begins his selection or collection of the William saga with the Couronnement Loys.

  15. The earliest manuscript of the Saga of Eric the Red dates as late as A.

  16. The Eyrbyggja Saga has a romantic story of Biorn Ashbrandsson, who narrowly escapes in a tempest raised by his enemy, with the aid of one skilled in the black art.

  17. This chimes in with the old idea of the American antiquary that the Skrælings referred to in the Eric Saga were Eskimo, as is far from improbable, though the assumption rests on no definite evidence.

  18. The account given in the Saga of the approach of the Skrælings would sufficiently accord with that of a Micmac flotilla of canoes.

  19. The Saga of King Olaf" (Tales of a Wayside Inn) and The Skeleton in Armor.

  20. The six-year-old Arngrim is described in a saga as generously making a present of his little brass horse to his younger brother Steinolf; it was more suitable to the latter's age, he thought.

  21. An old historical saga tells of a visit which King Sverre paid the "Sogninger" to take vengeance upon them for the killing of his bailiff at a place named Kaupanger, near Sogndal.

  22. The most plausible account is one given by Snorro Sturleson, in his Saga or Chronicle of King Olaus.

  23. Thus we find the Emperor Saga dedicating a fane at the Kamo shrine, and the Emperor Seiwa establishing a place for the worship of Iwashimizu Hachiman at Otoko-yama.

  24. Even as early as the reigns of Kwammu and Saga the area of such estates was very great.

  25. Of course we do not know when that saga was first written down.

  26. There are other traces of Vineland, earlier than the manuscript of the Saga of Eric the Red.

  27. What a breezy, rollicking old saga it is!

  28. Why don't you make a saga about it, then, instead of about right and wrong, and such things?

  29. But here the Forsyte Saga must digress again.

  30. The word Saga might be objected to on the ground that it connotes the heroic and that there is little heroism in these pages.

  31. A criticism one might pass on the last phase of the Saga is the complaint that Irene and Jolyon those rebels against property--claim spiritual property in their son Jon.

  32. The Eyrbiggia Saga acquaints us, that the mansion of a respectable landholder in Iceland was, soon after the settlement of that island, exposed to a persecution of this kind.

  33. They liked it well; and with queer altered names and changes of the tale, that Saga will be told in Abyssinia, and thence carried all through Africa where white men have never wandered.

  34. But when Sigurd arrives at full years of manhood, the barbarism yields place, the Saga becomes human and conscious.

  35. There is a curious story in an Icelandic Saga of a shepherd, named Hallbjörn, on a farm where was a huge cairn over the dead scald or poet Thorleif.

  36. An Icelandic Saga relating the adventures of a Viking, Orvar Odd in Aquitaine, describes how he saw some of the natives taking refuge in an underground retreat, and how he pursued and killed them all.

  37. In Iceland there were underground retreats, as we learn from the same Saga that tells us of those in Aquitaine.

  38. But the final form which the saga took in mediæval England was the prose Morte Dartur of Sir Thomas Malory, composed at the close of the 15th century.

  39. It belonged, like the early English poem of The Fox and the Wolf, to the popular animal saga of Reynard the Fox.

  40. A feature of the Hrólfssaga that is much more noteworthy in this connection and that has certainly been acquired from the Siward saga is that concerning the kind of monster slain by Bjarki at the court of Hrolf Kraki.

  41. But the author of the rímur, observing what pains the author of the saga took to motivate the going out secretly, felt that this feature of the story was so important that it must be retained, and so he retained it without motivation.

  42. The only thing in the saga might fairly suggest it is Bjarki's statement, "The hall isn't so well defended as I thought, if a beast can destroy the domain and property of the king.

  43. Panzer[65] and others have called attention to the discrepancy between the statement that the monster in the saga is said to be invulnerable, and that it is nevertheless killed.

  44. As already stated the introduction of Odin as an old man is a motive that occurs frequently in saga literature.

  45. For a summary of the growth of the saga of Alexander, see Ten Brink, Hist.

  46. See also in the Saga Library by Morris and Magnússon, 4 v.

  47. The first and most important collection of the Saga manuscripts, was that made by Arne Magnusen, a learned Icelander, who died in 1730.

  48. Comparisons between the Epics We see from this account that the Volsunga Saga presents in many respects an older form of the Nibelungenlied story.

  49. Moreover, such poems as the Norse Volsunga Saga and Thidreks Saga, not to speak of other and lesser epics, afford many details relating to the Nibelungenlied which it does not contain in its present form.

  50. The further adventures of Gudrun are related in certain songs in the Edda, but the Volsunga Saga proper ends with the death of Atli.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "saga" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.