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Example sentences for "routs"

Lexicographically close words:
routhe; routine; routinely; routines; routing; rouze; rouzed; rove; roved; rovers
  1. Still, I have had her much to my routs and drums, where 'tis such an olla podrida that it matters not who comes.

  2. The tenements were lighted up as they had not been since nobles held routs and balls there.

  3. One of the most awful routs known in the annals of war ensued.

  4. The routs and soirees, it is true, were more informal and unceremonious: one was not obliged to spend more than an hour at each, but then one was not expected to arrive before eleven o'clock.

  5. There were dinners and routs in abundance, but the season of balls was not fairly inaugurated until invitations had been issued for the first at the Winter Palace.

  6. Toledo, Don Frederick of, routs Genlis and takes him prisoner, ii.

  7. When a lady returns from the country she goes round and leaves a card with all her acquaintance, and then sends them an invitation to attend her routs during the season.

  8. He takes Tiamat and slays her, routs her host, kills her consort Kingu, and utterly destroys the rebellion.

  9. For what with the routs and the tea drinkings the city is monstrously gay.

  10. Last night I was carried away by the enjoyment of it all, and methought I would like naught else than teas, and routs and parties all the time.

  11. Next he routs out the souls that sate on the long benches, and clears the thwarts, while he takes mighty Aeneas on board.

  12. Ares routs the army of Odysseus and Athena engages with Ares, until Apollo separates them.

  13. Eos then obtains of Zeus and bestows upon her son immortality; but Achilles routs the Trojans, and, rushing into the city with them, is killed by Paris and Apollo.

  14. Flushed with this success, and loth to desert the fifty men he had left behind, he faces about again, and charges through them again, and with these two charges entirely routs them.

  15. The king coming in seasonably to the relief of his men, routs Middleton, and at the same time sends a party round, who clapped in between Sir William Waller's men and their great guns, and secured the pass and the cannon too.

  16. He paints the routs in battle, the many dead, the fates of noble men, the many spoils and trophies.

  17. What country warmed by the sun is more bellicose and better armed than our Italy, or where are there more continuous wars and greater routs and sieges?

  18. We shall not attempt to particularise the arrivals, as they were precisely the same set as our readers have invariably met at routs of the second class for these last five years.

  19. We mingle with the gay throng at the routs and assemblies which they frequented.

  20. H' encounters Talgol, routs the Bear, And takes the Fiddler prisoner, Conveys him to enchanted castle; There shuts him fast in wooden bastile.

  21. Ah, Uncle Jeffrey, you have fancied me all these months naught but a vain little puppet who could be led to forget anything in a round of routs and balls.

  22. Well, I like the routs and balls dearly, dearly, but I like something else better.

  23. We don't want to go to routs and balls, and give dinners to fine people.

  24. Great dinners and gay routs were given in the ensuing spring.

  25. The prospect of such a reward so fires the young hero, that he sallies forth, routs the besiegers, and, seizing the Count of Valence, brings him back a prisoner.

  26. South Africa:--Botha completely routs the rebel forces under De Wet at Mushroom Valley in the Orange Free State.

  27. Mesopotamian Front:--General Marshall attacks and routs the Turks five miles north of Kalat Shergat.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "routs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.