Having passed these places there is a river called Pudopotani on which is a good town of many Moorish merchants, who own many ships; here begins the kingdom of Calicut.
Five leagues further on is a river called Mandabad, on which is a town of Moors and Gentiles, of the same kingdom of Decani; likewise a seaport.
Fourteen leagues further on there is another river called Ytata, and twenty-four leagues more bring us to a river called Biobio, in 38° nearly.
On the other side of this river there is a smooth plain, six leagues in extent, and very good for travelling, and at the end of it a river called Piandomo is crossed.
Here it is very cold, and at the end of the descent there is another building called Tamboblanco, whence the royal road leads to a river called Catamaya.
In the Jesuits maps there is a river called Cheldos, near the Ili, on which this town may have stood.
Upon Thursday, being the feast of the Epiphany, 6th January, we cast anchor near a river called Yebra by the Indians, but which the admiral named Belem or Bethlem, because we came to it on the festival of the three kings.
To protect his workmen at the mines, and to keep the province under subjection, the admiral made choice of a convenient situation for a redoubt or small fortress, on a hill which was almost encompassed by a river called Zanique.
At this time Alvarado discovered a river called Papaloapan by the natives, which was afterwards called the river of Alvarado, into which he entered, and procured some fish from the inhabitants of a town named Tlacotalpan.
Holding on their course, Alvaredo, having the headmost ship, entered a river called Papaloava, but which the Spaniards named Alvaredos river.
In this country there is a river called Urquaie,[272] wherein we have seen snakes which are called in Spanish Schue Eiiba Thuescha.
Their place is near a river called Jepedij,[83] on the other side of the Parabor.
And after passing the city these rivers unite and form one immense river called Kian," etc.
After riding those ten days you come to a river called Brius, which terminates the province of Caindu.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "river called" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.