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Example sentences for "revolutionising"

Lexicographically close words:
revolution; revolutionaries; revolutionary; revolutionise; revolutionised; revolutionist; revolutionists; revolutionize; revolutionized; revolutionizing
  1. The next place of importance is taken by modern technology, which is an eminently revolutionising force in society.

  2. Sidenote: THE CORN LAWS] Though the Free-Traders were revolutionising the tariff old-fashioned statesmen on both sides still hesitated at the entire abolition of the Corn Laws.

  3. For once the world realised immediately the importance of a revolutionising invention, and telephone stations soon began to be established in the large cities.

  4. Destruction was becoming so facile that any little body of malcontents could use it; it was revolutionising the problems of police and internal rule.

  5. Many professing Christians experience little of that quickening and revolutionising energy; many observers see little of it, and some begin to croak, as if the old power had ebbed away.

  6. Perhaps the most powerful impulse is given by philosophy with its quiet revolutionising of the religious view of life.

  7. The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society.

  8. Constant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones.

  9. When the rupture came, he turned to his plans for revolutionising the South.

  10. For one, the revolutionising of South Italy, he could, though anxious for immediate action, at present only sow the seed.

  11. Footnote: Bacon indeed could have made out a more impressive picture of the new age if he had studied mathematics and taken the pains to master the evidence which was revolutionising astronomy.

  12. Nothing, then, is a more difficult or a more thankless task, than to sketch scenes of a revolutionary time among such a rapidly self-revolutionising people.

  13. Before we arrive there, however, we shall fall upon another sketch, which is not without its characteristic traits, as illustrative of the history of revolutionising Paris.

  14. It was revolutionising the established routine of the trade, would interfere with the summer holidays, and it was gravely argued that October was the very earliest time when the London buyers could be induced to attend to the tea-market.

  15. To what, then, has Germany attained in its revolutionising career?

  16. Certainly revolutionising Germany has not thus far attained any step in its progress towards the great desideratum of its nationality.

  17. As these events have already been detailed, and as it is our purpose to ask in general, "What has revolutionising Germany attained?

  18. We have endeavoured to give a faint and fleeting sketch of what revolutionising Germany has attained, after a year's revolution.

  19. Thus far, then, we may indeed shake our heads despairingly as we ask--"What has revolutionising Germany as yet attained?

  20. It is now rather more than a year since we asked, "What would revolutionising Germany be at?

  21. If so little, then, has been attained by revolutionising Germany, in its progress towards its most loudly clamoured desire, let us see what else it has attained.

  22. And I've renounced all idea of revolutionising the world.

  23. He was a dealer, who, for some few years, had been revolutionising the picture trade.

  24. They talked about the great building works that were revolutionising Paris; and then discussed the price of land, like middle-class people with money to invest.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "revolutionising" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.