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Example sentences for "retourned"

Lexicographically close words:
retouches; retouching; retour; retourna; retourne; retourner; retrace; retraced; retraces; retracing
  1. The next morning hee delivered my man a letter in answer to mine, and retourned him to mee.

  2. Many vowes hee made of cruell revenge, and retourned home full of griefe and disdaine, and, from that time forward still plotted revenge.

  3. Therefore he retourned as fast as he myght: so there the sayd knyghte was slayne.

  4. Loke forther, in the same gospel, the Ioye and the feste of the gode man that hadde lost his sone, whan his sone with repentaunce was retourned to his fader.

  5. Because I was now become a worme and no man, a scorne to all that saw me, I thought that now no body would count me worthy of takeing, theirfore I retourned to march openly by day.

  6. It was in the summer of 1610 that he "posseseinge himselfe of the Towne and the fertill ground there unto adjacentt haveinge well ordered all things he lefte his Lieftenantt Earley to comawnd his company and retourned to James Towne.

  7. So haveinge scene Capte: Martin well settled I [George Percy] retourned with Capte Nellson to James Towne ageine acordinge to apoyntementts.

  8. Maister Stricca seing that hee could not cause him to tary, toke his leaue, and retourned into his house.

  9. In the euening, these poore men retourned to the duke, according to their promise, and sayde they coulde finde nothing.

  10. When he had accomplished the thing he came for, hee retourned to his place: and then began to imagin vpon the Duke's wordes, and for what policie he spake them.

  11. And when he was retourned towardes the king his maister, hee recompted vnto him the successe of his iourneyes.

  12. And when he had thus done, he retourned to the palace Courte, as though there hadde no sutche thing chaunced.

  13. The Sabine warres beinge in this sorte ended, Tarquinius in tryumphaunt maner retourned to Rome.

  14. Notwithstanding, to stoppe the rage of malicious tongues, he withdrew himself, till he thought the brute was ceased, and then retourned after his wonted maner: whose absence nothing abridged his auncient good will.

  15. This amorous Lias continued long time in the campe of Kynge Pyrrhus, and went wyth hym into Italy, and wyth him retourned from warre agayne, and yet hir nature was sutch, as shee woulde neuer bee mainteined wyth one man alone.

  16. When she had supped and washed her handes, making a reuerence to the Lord of the house, shee retourned backe againe that way shee came, without speaking to any.

  17. Sone after maister Florien retourned to his house and finding his dinner more delicate than it was wont to be, marueyled, and asked his wyfe who was at all that coste.

  18. And the daunce ended, she retourned to her place.

  19. Wherfore verye sorowfull and pensiue hee departed, and retourned to the Campe.

  20. Whan he herde euery bodye saye they sawe none suche, makynge great sorowe, he retourned home agayne.

  21. The Lorde noting all the demeanour betwene them, retourned to his chamber, and so went againe to his bed, faining to be sicke, as he did all the daye before.

  22. In fine Porsenna seing that he coulde litle preuaile in the assault, retourned to the Campe, determining neuerthelesse to continue his siege.

  23. After the commissioners had willed theim to consulte vppon some determinate aunswere, they retourned to Rome, to make reporte to the Senate, of the peoples requestes.

  24. Whereupon Virginius retourned home, and in poore and vile apparell, repaired to the Forum, after whom followed a great nomber of matrones and aduocates.

  25. Newes brought into the campe of these euentes, the king with great feare retourned to Rome, to represse those tumultes, and Brutus hearinge of his approche, marched another waye, because hee woulde not meete him.

  26. And then Ianique taking her leaue, retourned towarde Violenta, telling her what shee had doen.

  27. But they fearing that their long abode in the gardein might ingender some displeasure, retourned into the Castell, with purpose in time to content their desires, so sone as opportunitie serued.

  28. All which hauinge escaped with one Rubie he retourned home to his house.

  29. As 3 of us retourned homewards to our cottage we heard a wild man singing.

  30. Those that went their way retourned presently.

  31. In 2 dayes' journey we weare retourned to our cabbans, where every one of us rendered himself to his dearest kindred or master.

  32. Only our father was not yett retourned from the warrs against the french and algonquins.

  33. By my faythe, sir, he is retourned to Newcastell: he desyred me to trust hym on his fayth for thre wekes, and so have I done.

  34. Whan the genowayes felte the arowes persynge through heedes, armes, and brestes, many of them cast downe their crosbowes and did cutte their strynges and retourned dysconfited.

  35. Than the knyght retourned agayn to them and shewed the kynges wordes, the which greatly encouraged them, and repoyned in that they had sende to the kynge as they dyd.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "retourned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.