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Example sentences for "reticular"

Lexicographically close words:
reticence; reticences; reticent; retici; reticorum; reticulate; reticulated; reticulation; reticulations; reticule
  1. This is a very definite and remarkable agreement, since such a reticular gonocoel is not found in Crustacea (except in the male Apus).

  2. The male possesses elaborate copulatory structures of a chitinous nature, and the eggs are fertilized in the female without even quitting the place where they are formed on the wall of the reticular gonocoel.

  3. The gonadial tubes (gonocoels or gonadial coelom) are originally reticular and paired, though they may be reduced to a simpler condition.

  4. The duct of the vesicula umbilicalis, dividing into two intestinal portions; and besides this duct are two vessels which are distributed upon the vesicula umbilicalis, and form a reticular anastomosis with each other.

  5. It was found that when the reticular framework of a nucleus prepares to divide, it separates into single segments.

  6. The sarcodictyum may be defined as the extracalymmar network of exoplasm, and is a reticular covering which lies upon the outer surface of the gelatinous calymma.

  7. By ramification of this axial beam and reticular connection with the sagittal girdle arises the sagittal septum, which we found first in Octopyle, halving the four gates of Tetrapyle.

  8. The essential primary feature of chronic catarrh is the increase and persistence of cell-accumulation in the reticular connective tissue of the mucous and submucous layer.

  9. Modern work has shewn that many cells, formerly described as granular, owe this appearance to a reticular protoplasmic framework.

  10. With methylene blue and similar dyes the protoplasm stains unequally, which is not to be considered as the expression of a granulation, as Ehrlich first assumed, but rather of a reticular structure.

  11. The medulla oblongata with its reticular ganglion seems to be the great rhythmic centre.

  12. Scattered in the "reticular substance" of the medulla from the upper end of the fourth ventricle to the pyramidal decussation, they merit the collective designation of reticular ganglia.

  13. The reticular ganglion of the oblongata is not in the adult a part of the central tubular grey matter, but has, through originally developing from it in the embryo, become ultimately isolated from its mother bed.

  14. The great convulsive centre is, according to Spitzka,[262] the reticular grey matter of the brain isthmus, particularly of the pons and medulla.

  15. Lastly, in the polypetalous corolla the reticular or petiolated leaf appears upon its highest stage--reticular or phylloid corolla.

  16. The corymbiform or tufted branchiæ of the Syngnathi or the Lophobranchii still remind us strongly of the cystiform reticular branchiæ of the first family.

  17. The seeds of plants with reticular leaves consist of several leaves arranged symmetrically or in pairs.

  18. Cellular leaves are the scales of mosses and ferns; vascular leaves, the long riband-like leaves of Monocotyledons; tracheal leaves the reticular leaf of Dicotyledons.

  19. But reticular leaves are not spathes or simple tubes, but ramified or separated ribs.

  20. The nervous cyst that was previously dissevered in a reticular manner, becomes a closed tube, which is placed upon the light-exposed side of the other animal systems, and thus upon the vertebral column.

  21. The radical leaf is the undivided reticular leaf; the stalk-leaf the free or ragged reticular leaf; the perfect leaf the pinnate.

  22. With the separation of the stock or trunk into root, stalk and leaf, the latter organ attains its perfection; it becomes a reticular leaf--the plants possessing it being called reticular.

  23. Sugar is the mucus of the stalk, and is found in every vegetable sap, especially that of such plants as are characterized by the systems of the stalk, and have not yet attained the formation of the reticular leaf, as the Monocotyledones, e.

  24. The retinerved or reticular leaf is, however, only the result of a modified organization in the stalk, and indicates a ramification or foliiform arrangement of the tracheæ in the stem.

  25. The Ancyliozoa consequently divide into Reticular or Papillary animals; into Branchial or Pedal, and into Tracheal or Winged animals.

  26. In some of the cells the nucleus is modified in the granular manner, in others in the stellate, and in a certain number the nucleus has assumed a reticular structure characteristic of the young permanent ovum.

  27. They are formed of a reticular tissue with comparatively few nuclei.

  28. The diameter of the sphere is about six or eight times as great as the thickness of its reticular wall.

  29. The genus Plectaniscus has probably been derived from Plagoniscus by reticular union of the neighbouring branches of the four radial spines, and exhibits therefore to it the same relation that Tetraplecta bears to Tetraplagia.

  30. Pieces of the skeleton either simple rings or pileated or pyramidal bodies, composed of thin hollow rods and reticular meshes.

  31. The thorax or the second joint of the shell arises by reticular connection of the bases of the basal feet, and represents a cylindrical or truncate-conical joint in the polypodal forms, or a three-sided joint in the tripodal forms.

  32. The margin is often inflated like a delicate reticular girdle, and contains a large number of peculiar spherical or roundish nucleated cells (Pl.

  33. Some birds, such as the snipes, herons and crows, have in place of the intestinal villi projecting folds of the mucosa, often arranged in a reticular manner.

  34. In these lower vertebrates the typical intestinal glandular apparatus of the higher forms is to a certain extent replaced by small pits and depressions of the mucous membrane bounded by reticular folds.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reticular" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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