For notwithstanding that he was now reteined by K.
Danes, which was most sharpe and bitter to them, although Cnute did what he could by bountifulnesse and courteous dealings to haue reteined them vnder his obeisance.
Although other take that to be Danegilt, which was giuen vnto such Danes as king Egelred afterwards reteined in his seruice, to defend the land from other Danes and enimies that sought to inuade his dominions.
For earle Turkill perceiuing the wealthinesse of the land, compounded with the Englishmen, and [Sidenote: This Turkill was reteined in seruice with Egelred, as I thinke.
Walter Tirell a French knight, whom he had reteined in seruice with a large stipend.
This yeere in a Prouince of Wales called Rosse, the Sepulchre of Wawyn, otherwise called Gawen, was found vpon the Sea shore.
These things happely not much spoken amisse, might easily bee depraued by report.
Hee was no more disposed to valour, then well setled in vertue and goodnes; which made his valour of more precious valuation.
For whosoeuer supposeth that a State atteined by force, can be reteined by milder meanes, he shall find himselfe disappointed of his hopes.
Hee reteinedperfect memorie and speach so long as he reteined any breath.
And first the Pope wrote to the king of England on the behalfe of Anselme; and reteined him in his Palace vntill he should receiue answere from the king.
He made no long abode, but with all speed returned, and reteined two hundred Rutters out of the duke of Brabants countries, and with them certeine crosbowes.
Hereof sprang a great hatred betwixt the Englishmen and strangers, which dailie grew and increased more and more, the rather bicause the king had them in so good estimation, and reteined so manie of them within the realme.
In the meane time these and other like things procured the pope to reiect both the elections, and of his owne authoritie to nominate the third person, whereby the trouble begun was not a little augmented (as you shall heare heereafter.
The kings mother queene Elianor this yeare forsooke the world, and tooke vpon hir the habit of a nunne at Ambresburie; but yet she still reteined and inioied hir dower by the popes authoritie and dispensation.
Neuerthelesse all this did little amend the matter, for though he set a new copie of countenance therevpon, yet he reteined his old peruerse purpose in his discontented mind, hauing learned that Qui nescit fingere nescit regere.
Sidenote: Twētie thousand Brabanders were reteined by king Henrie the father as saith R.
Therefore least he should be taken vnprouided, he kept his armie in a readinesse about him, hauing reteined certeine bands of Brabanders called the Rowts.
But afterwards he suffered his sister Elfleda to inioy the most part thereof, except the said cities of London and Oxford, which he still reteined in his owne hand.
Some write (which seemeth also to be confirmed by the Danish chronicles) that king Hardiknought in his life time had receiued this Edward into his court, and reteined him still in the same in most honorable wise.
Sidenote: This Turkill was reteined in seruice with Egelred, as I thinke.
Mailor or Mailrosse, the other reteined still hir old denomination, and of these the first laie by south, & the latter by north of the Sauerne.
Amongst other came the lord Robert of Namur, and was reteined with the king as his seruant, the king giuing him three hundred pounds sterling of yearelie pension out of his coffers to be paid at Bruges.
Sir Iohn de Heinault lord Beaumont, about the same time, changed his cote, and leauing the king of Englands seruice, was reteined by the French king.
Howbeit, as this order is not wholie reteined with vs, so the vse of the same is not yet altogither abolished, as may appeere by our sunday, mondaie, and saturdaie.
Whereby it is easie to be seene, that they reteined this kind of writing from Druiyus (the originall founder of their religion) and that this Iland hath not beene void of letters and learned men, euen sith it was first inhabited.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reteined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.