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Example sentences for "rejoins"

Lexicographically close words:
rejoin; rejoinder; rejoinders; rejoined; rejoining; rejoyce; rejoyced; rejoycing; rejuvenate; rejuvenated
  1. Remain, therefore, quietly where you are, until he rejoins you.

  2. In Notes, ingenious Argument in its favour; Bird picked up in the Evening; rejoins Covey.

  3. Finding that he is not followed by his associates he soon rejoins them.

  4. Well (rejoins Sokrates)--and my obstetric science has pronounced all your offspring to be mere wind, unworthy of being preserved!

  5. So too (rejoins Sokrates) colour is like to colour: in that respect there is no difference between them.

  6. These philosophers must then have become better (rejoins the Eleate): for the primitive and genuine leaders of them will not concede even so much as that.

  7. In a few moments she rejoins him, and Guy puts his arm about her, and leads her into the music room.

  8. I have nothing to say to you," rejoins Mr. Tulkinghorn.

  9. Chesney Wold, Thomas," rejoins the housekeeper with proud complacency, "will set my Lady up!

  10. That I can't see myself," rejoins her escort, and the two both go into contemplation.

  11. I am an Episcopalian as well as my father," and she rejoins the wondering Ollie, who has by this time crossed the street; as she moves away with her escort, she thinks she hears a low chuckle from the genial Kruger.

  12. Marching past in double time may, in the discretion of the reviewing officer, be omitted; the review terminates when the major rejoins his battalion.

  13. It rejoins the color company when the regiment changes from line of masses.

  14. The major, having saluted, takes post on the right of the reviewing officer, returns saber and remains there until the rear of the battalion has passed, then salutes and rejoins his battalion.

  15. It was quoted for those who can see," rejoins Lamb, with three thick strokes of his contemptuous pencil under the luckless Doctor's poor personal pronoun; on which this special note of indignation is added beneath.

  16. But (rejoins Sokrates) the many are by nature stronger than the one; since, as you yourself say, they make and enforce laws to restrain him and defeat his projects.

  17. How can I tell (rejoins Charmides) whether I possess it or not: since even men like you and Kritias cannot discover what it is?

  18. Thursley itself is situated on an old road that branches from the newer highway upon entering Witley Common, and rejoins the ordinary route near the "Royal Huts" Hotel.

  19. A smart bit of work that," rejoins his chief.

  20. His wife detects the wistful expression, and rejoins mischievously: "Yes.

  21. The road followed by the tourist rejoins the main street which lay on his left as he entered the village.

  22. One rejoins the latter by means of a stair, the beginning of which is seen on the left in the photo at the top of page 243.

  23. This road rejoins the railway, and fringes it, leaving it on the right.

  24. We retrace our steps to the castle, leaving the road which continues to follow the edge of the plateau in the direction of Montgivroux, and rejoins No.

  25. Well, and if it is," rejoins the skipper, "what does that signify to us?

  26. His words are manifestly intended as a reflection upon the judgment of the quondam seal-hunter, who rejoins shortly, "It would have been a deal worse, sir.

  27. You desire me to be frank with you, of course," rejoins the man.

  28. Steady, steady now," rejoins the old sailor, as the inebriate tosses his arms over his head.

  29. You can," rejoins the former speaker, his fingers wandering to his chin.

  30. I can confirm the truth of that same," rejoins a brusque-figured man, rising from his pallet, and speaking with regained confidence.

  31. They had better drop her as quietly as possible," rejoins Mr. Keepum, drawing his white glove from off his right hand, and extending his cigar case.

  32. God bless Tom," rejoins the old sailor, who has left the fireplace and joined in the excitement of the moment.

  33. As unwelcome a guest as comes to this establishment," rejoins the corpulent old jailer, adjusting his spectacles, and reading the commitment, a big key hanging from the middle finger of his left hand.

  34. Mr. Goren rejoins that he considers that he need not have been excluded from young Mr. Harrington's confidence.

  35. To this Mr. Raikes rejoins in a style that would be signified by 'ahem!

  36. Ivan rejoins them, and the three brothers stay in the Sultan's service as grooms; sometime afterwards, Ivan saves himself from drowning by means of his horse.

  37. During these excursions it rejoins the small composite flocks which still frequent the fields and farm buildings.

  38. Moreover, in some species, the male rejoins the flock at intervals during the early part of the season and for a time leads a double existence, passing backwards and forwards between its territory and the neutral ground.

  39. It is indeed strange," rejoins Carmen, showing emotion; "I wonder what became of them.

  40. Perhaps," rejoins Crozier, after hearing this, "I can help your skipper to at least one good sailor.

  41. That will do," rejoins the skipper, contentedly.

  42. I hope she'll hold her course, and leave us a good spell behind," rejoins a second.

  43. Not much matter about that," rejoins Gomez; "it'll have to end all the same.

  44. You're right about that, Don Manuel," rejoins Rocas.

  45. Well, captain," rejoins Don Gregorio, "I shall take it for granted that you know who I am.

  46. Yes," rejoins Harry Blew, speaking satirically, and as if exasperated by the majority going against him.

  47. And the speaker rejoins "Oh, never star Was lost here but it rose afar!

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rejoins" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.