The other man, now over thirty, had regurgitated his food from early childhood, and he did not know that he had anything very unusual the matter with him until he began some investigations upon the functions and diseases of the stomach.
The nurse said that when the child sucked some milk regurgitated through the supernumerary mouth.
In the case of Pelicans, Cormorants, and Ibises, {45} the young thrust their bills far down the throats of the parents to procure the regurgitated food.
When newly born the food they receive is first digested in the crop or the stomach of the parent from which it is regurgitated into the mouth of the young.
After this the contents of the lower bowels, then the chyle, that was in the lacteal vessels, and in the receptacle of chyle, was regurgitated into the intestines by a retrograde motion of these vessels.
They receive it into their first stomach or honey-bag, the greater portion being subsequently regurgitated into the cells, employing for the purpose those of both workers and drones.
My study is based on the analysis of 617 regurgitated pellets collected from roosts and lookout posts.
In studies of the food of owls analysis of materials in regurgitated pellets has been widely used, but with crows this method has been little used because the nature of their food makes identification of material more difficult.
The study is based upon the analysis of 617 regurgitated pellets collected throughout the year.
Instead of the food being masticated and passed at once into the stomach, each mouthful is but slightly bruised and passed into the paunch, whence at leisure it is regurgitated into the mouth to be chewed.
The water regurgitated is, however, by means of the elevation of the soft palate, forced into the pharyngeal pouch.
Abscess cannot be positively diagnosticated until after its rupture and the appearance of pus in the matters regurgitated or otherwise expelled from the oesophagus.
If the tube is much dilated above the stricture, the food may be detained in the sac for several hours, and then be regurgitated in a softened, partially-decomposed condition.
The presence of blood in matters regurgitated or vomited forms the chief diagnostic indication of ulceration of the oesophagus, taken in connection with the usual symptoms of acute or chronic oesophagitis.
The liquor regurgitated may be intensely acid from the presence of some of the fatty acids, probably butyric, lactic, or acetic.
If in consequence of stenosis of the cardiac orifice the food does not enter the stomach, it is shortly regurgitated unchanged or mingled simply with mucus.
In some instances food is regurgitated from the oesophagus after its retention for a day or even longer.
The bolus is then often regurgitated immediately after its deglutition, and may be covered with mucus, blood, pus, or fragments or detritus of ulcerated malignant growth, according to the nature of the case.
Phlegmonous oesophagitis is indicated by the presence of pus or of dead mucous membrane in the matter regurgitated or vomited.
In pouched dilatation it is very often disagreeable, the regurgitated matters being acrid, owing to acid fermentation of the contents of the sac.
There is great danger from tracheal pressure by an esophageal diverticulum or dilatation distended with food; or the food maybe regurgitatedand aspirated into the larynx and trachea.
Blood-streaked, regurgitated material, and the presence of odor, are late manifestations of ulceration and secondary infection.
Should food accumulation occur, the esophagus should be emptied by regurgitation, following which a glassful of warm sodium bicarbonate solution is to be taken, and this also regurgitated if it does not go through promptly.
Digestion of the esophagus and perforation may result from the stagnation of regurgitated gastric juice therein.
It is to be remembered that gastric foreign bodies may be regurgitated and may lodge in the esophagus, whence they are easily removed by esophagoscopy.
This is necessary in order to prevent pneumonia, caused by regurgitatedfeed entering the air passages and lungs.
Drenching animals by way of the nostril and irritating drenches, or regurgitated feed passing into the air passages and lungs are the traumatic causes of pneumonia.
In the third stage, the gullet becomes more and more dilated, and the food collects in it and is regurgitated at irregular intervals.
With the mitral valve insufficient, a greater or less amount of blood is regurgitated into the left auricle, which soon becomes dilated.
The blood flowing from the pulmonary veins into the left auricle finds this cavity already partly filled with blood regurgitated from the left ventricle.
One specimen from Dos Aguas regurgitated a large Gerrhonotus imbricatus imbricatus; of two others from the same locality, one regurgitated a Sceloporus bulleri and an Eptesicus fuscus.
Every few minutes the brooding bird moved back on the nest far enough to feed the nestlings regurgitated or digested food, and to cleanse the nest of biting pests such as ants, which might endanger the lives of the baby birds.
They usually came with nothing to be seen in their beaks, but the insect food they had gleaned and carried in their own throats was regurgitated into the throats of the young.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regurgitated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.