Havynge wythe mouche attentyonn redde Whatt you dydd to mee sende, Admyre the varses mouche I dydd, And thus an answerr lende.
Therefore after three days, gyuyng wynde to our sayles, we entered into the Redde Sea, otherwise named Mare Erythræum.
But to auoyde all suspition, I durst here make no mention of the dominion which the Kyng of Portugale had in the most parte of that ocean, and of the gulfes of the Redde Sea and Persia.
To this citie victualles and all kynde of corne is brought from Arabia Fælix, and Babylon or Alcayr, and also from Ethiope, by the Redde Sea, which is from this citie but four dayes journey.
Tho redde he me how Sampson loste his heres, Slepinge, his lemman kitte hem with hir sheres; Thurgh whiche tresoun loste he bothe his yën.
Of Clitemistra, for hir lecherye, That falsly made hir housbond for to dye, He redde it with ful good devocioun.
Tho redde he me, if that I shal nat lyen, Of Hercules and of his Dianyre, 725 That caused him to sette himself a-fyre.
Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria Owr Kynge went forth to Normandy with grace and myzt of Chyvalry, the God for hym wrouzt marvelusly Wherefore Englonde may call and cry, Deo gratias.
Owre kynge went forth to Normandy, With grace and myyt of chivalry; The God for hym wrouyt marvelously, Wherefore Englonde may calle, and cry 5 Deo gratias: Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria.
Cape ofredde land, that is all craggie, within the which there is a bracke looking toward the North.
And sayling thence Westwarde nine or ten leagues off the shore, we had twenty foure fathomes redde sande, and small whitish stones.
About that time the Sauages brought vs great store of Aloses, which is a fish somewhat redde like a Salmon, to get kniues and other small trifles for them.
And three good leagues from Cape du Chapt there is a small Island conteining about a league of ground: where there is an hauen toward the Southeast: and as you enter into the sayd hauen on the starreboord side; a dented Cape all of redde land.
Vpon whiche consideracion, the bookes of Genesis and Exodus be redde in the seruice of the churche.
The woman hath on a redde fillet or frontelette, and ouer that a white veile, withoute the whiche it is not lawfulle for her fro that daye forwarde, to go oute of doores abrode, or to sitte by any manne.
Whan the kynge hadde redde the letters, he sayde, that he muste take counsayle, before he made him an answere.
There was ones a yonge preest, that was nat all the best clerke, sayd masse and redde a colect thus: Deus qui vigenti filii tui &c.
We found also in their tents a Guiny Beane of redde colour, the which doth vsually grow in the hote Countreys: whereby it appeareth they trade with other nations which dwell farre off, or else themselues are great trauellers.
I answer, that truth it is, There are fewe things hereof in the scriptures, and yet notwithstanding somewhat is to be redde in them.
All rimes were then sung to the harp: even Troilus and Cresseide, though almost as long as the AEneid, was to be "redde .
Ther was never a tym on the march partes Sen the Doglas and the Perse met, But yt was marvele, and the reddeblude ronne not, As the reane doys in the stret.
With the rest as good stuffe as ye redde a great while.
And he that came out first/ was redde & rough ouer all as it were an hyde: and they called his name Esau.
These for that they may be knowne doo weare redde bonnets, but in their other apparell they do differ nothing from the Chinos.
He neuer ware but one garmente of Cotten, whyche was white, narrow, and long, and vpon that a mantle besette with certayne redde crosses.
He fande na thynge wretyn & sayd to the priour: What may here be redde thare noghte es wretyne?
For I make Piers the Plowman My procuratour and my reve, And registrer to receyve, Redde quod debes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "redde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.