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Example sentences for "recognize them"

  • To recognize them in advance," said he, "would be to incur the danger of further embarrassing the whole subject by the illogical consequences of our own illogical procedure.

  • He had proposed the route along the canal because nobody would be likely to recognize them, and her pride resented this.

  • He had consistently refused to recognize them.

  • He established state governments, pronounced them constitutional, completed, perfected, and asked Congress to recognize them before he had proclaimed the rebellion at an end or restored the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.

  • The county superintendent and the commissioners, unable to secure any control over the Putnam schools, refused to recognize them as a part of the Mobile system.

  • They were declared fraudulent, and the state finally declined to recognize them.

  • Fray Antonio had seen Indians several times before, and had stood on such intimate terms, indeed, with them, as to be able to recognize them.

  • His new friends were clothed in their war garb, and from their hair drawn off their foreheads, and their long barbed lances, it was easy to recognize them as Apaches.

  • Very good, but the Pope has never recognized the Organic Articles; the Catholics of France, precisely because the Pope would not recognize them, are unwilling to recognize them either.

  • Because the Holy See would not recognize them, and it was necessary to find some means of justifying them before the Pope.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recognize them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    absolute perfection; believe thee; cattle station; check the; dashed forward; face and; food value; hour more; long flight; love mercy; minimum rates; much kindness; potassium bichromate; recognize the; recognize them; short life; standing timber; strangely enough; teaspoonful salt; various parts; white bird; whole family; will rise