Sidenote: Theocratic ideal of the Puritans] Such an ideal as this, considered by itself and apart from the concrete acts in which it was historically manifested, may seem like the merest fanaticism.
Sidenote: Remarkable scene in the House of Commons] There is something strangely pathetic and historically significant [6] in the emotion of these stern, fearless men.
Historically their enterprise is interesting not so much for what it achieved as for what it suggested.
And historically Richelieu's policies had had quite something to say in the creation of Prussia; the conscript armies of the French Revolution had first made Europe into an armed camp.
Who will tell us which of the methods of inquiry those historicallyreal and successful inquiries exemplify?
Historically they are of no great importance, giving us only names of Vestals that were already known.
We seem to have expected that we could accomplish suddenly and by artificial Contrivances a development which historically has always taken a long time.
Historically it would be interesting to trace the rise of this notion of woman as an enigma.
Further, we recognize it as a stage of progress, historically necessary in the development of man into a civilized adaptation to his situation in this world.
This sort of scholarship, of widely apprehending intellectual activity, keeping step with modern ideas so far as they are historically grounded, is of the first importance.
It is quite probable, though not historically proved, that this veritable Don Quixote dreamed of decorating the Holy Sepulchre with his lady's handkerchief, but in the end he remained at home.
But apart from this, the wish to choose a partner instead of being content with the first comer, must have coincided historically with the outward, and later on with the inward differentiation of the race.
It is therefore historically correct, though essentially an error, to regard Christianity as the religion of asceticism, for the asceticism of the Middle Ages was nothing but the immature stage of the principle of personality.
It was the most important thing at the time, and historically it is what gives those romances, of Chrestien de Troyes and others, their rank among the poetical ideas of the world.
Of such order there existed historicallymany varieties; and many more are conceivable, as Plato himself has shown in the Republic and Leges.
But the imaginative geography of the Odyssey goes far beyond the points, with which Homer has so much at least of substantive acquaintance, as to associate them historically with the commerce or politics of the age.
And if the right of seniority was not fully acknowledged in Asia, this would at once explain, why Homer did not observe an uniform order in the genealogy: perhaps it might also explain his not being historically aware what that order was.
Each of these names historically superseded the one before it.
Of what belongs historically to the Pelasgi, much may stand as theirs only through their priority of entrance into the country.
Having, as we hope, satisfactorily disposed of the objection usually put forward by the so-called rationalists, we shall now proceed to relate the modes by which Divine revelation historically came into actuality.
Semitic nations, especially the Babyloniansand Phoenicians, as to make it plain that all these groups of accounts are historically connected with one another.
What has grown up historically can only die out historically, by the gradual operation of necessary laws.
But if deviations from fact are found in individual points, yet the choice of events to be brought upon the stage shows a deep sense of what is historically great.
It rests historically upon the doctrine of the superiority of the Church, and the councils representing the Church, over the Papacy, as it was put forth in the fifteenth century at Paris.
Though historically deeply rooted, the Catholic tendency showed itself, through the reactionary rule which it brought about and through its alliance with the policy of Spain, pernicious to the country.
Although it may be doubtful whether she had in so many words declared that James should be her successor, yet it is historically certain that she had for a long time consented to this arrangement.
Philippi, separated historically by twenty days, but represented by Shakespeare as taking place on the same day.
Hardly one of the speeches put into Cæsar's mouth can be regarded as historically characteristic; taken all together, they seem little short of a caricature.
Whatever this may mean psychologically, historically and sociologically it means that a time of agnosticism leads to all sorts of applications of science, such as those, for example, in legislation and in industry.
Psychologically and historically the human spirit is liberated and nature is let loose at the same time.
Historically they are well and realistically conceived; but dramatically they are not strong.
The active part, however, which he ascribes to the Jesuits in effecting the suppression of the Society, is far from beinghistorically ascertained.
Now Theosophy, looked at historically or practically, belongs to all the religions of the world, and every religion has an equal claim to it, has an equal right to say that Theosophy exists within it.
The name Serdze Kamen appears for the first time--historically speaking--in Gerhard Fr.
It can be historically established that this name has been the object of a double change, and that the present Serdze Kamen on the northern coast of the Chukchee peninsula, has nothing whatever to do with the history of Bering and his voyage.