The Alaska Lands Act reaffirmsour commitment to the environment and strikes a balance between protecting areas of great beauty and allowing development of Alaska's oil, gas, mineral, and timber resources.
The marked forward thrust of our economy reaffirms our confidence in competitive enterprise.
So with the teaching [873] that the coming worship is to be neither Judaic nor Samaritan: the next sentence reaffirms Jewish particularism in the crudest way.
The association reaffirms that its policy is non-partisan and non-sectarian, opposing no political party as such and opposing no candidate because of his party affiliations but judging every candidate by his own attitude and record.
The personality chooses the spiritual life, and continually reaffirms the decision.
He has freely chosen the highest, and continually reaffirmshis choice--this is perfect freedom.
Verse 8 reaffirms faith in Yahwe as mightier than horse or chariot, while verse 9 again predicts victory over the enemy.
Over against their impotence he simply reaffirms his inflexible decision: As for me I have set my king Upon my holy hill of Zion.
The canon law reaffirms woman's subjection to man in no uncertain terms.
The Council reaffirms the opinion that whatever therapeutic value cod liver may have resides chiefly, if not entirely, in its fatty constituents (The Journal, Oct.
Under these circumstances the Council reaffirms its decision.
The Council reaffirms its former action with regard to Protonuclein.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reaffirms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.