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Example sentences for "rattlesnake"

Lexicographically close words:
rattle; rattled; rattler; rattlers; rattles; rattlesnakes; rattletrap; rattling; rattlings; rature
  1. The rattlesnake seems partial to a tract of ground known by the name of Canal Number-three: there the effects of his poison will be long remembered.

  2. The wild, strange scenery of the Buck Mountain and the Rattlesnake Dens was seen upon the left, and, stretching out in front, the low, fertile sweep of land known from that day forward as Sabbath Day Point.

  3. The rattlesnake is the most foolish of reptiles, for he talks of what he is going to do beforehand.

  4. They landed where the earth becomes a lizard, by the rattlesnake dens.

  5. Over his shoulder was a belt of rattlesnake skin, and round his waist a sort of girdle, formed from the claws of the bear, from which depended a string of wampum, while two or three knives and a small tomahawk appeared on either side.

  6. Another moment would have been fatal to her, for the Indian was within three yards, when a large rattlesnake suddenly raised itself in his path and made him recoil a step.

  7. This was the only rattlesnake seen on our farm, though we heard of them being common on limestone hills eight or ten miles distant.

  8. The only venomous species seen on our farm were the rattlesnake and the copperhead, one of each.

  9. In his tribe they made a poison by teasing a rattlesnake and having it strike a piece of deer's liver.

  10. On the morning of the second day of our trailing this lion, our pack was working down in the thick brush below the crest of Rattlesnake Ridge, when suddenly they raised a chorus of yelps.

  11. She ended up in a lightning-quick wink and a quick turn to the long glass that stood beside her teacup which, I suppose, had contained what those people the other day called a rattlesnake cocktail.

  12. Then they all trooped off towards the Palm Court, calling out something about "Rattlesnake cocktails"--and Million and I came back with a start to our own business.

  13. I can't invite my acquaintances to tea and rattlesnake cocktails and gimlets and things in the Cecil lounge.

  14. Illustration: Rattlesnake Fern] On our rambles through the woods we are more likely to encounter the Rattlesnake Fern than any other member of the Botrychium group.

  15. Everywhere I notice the thin, spreading frond and withered fruit-cluster of the Rattlesnake Fern, in my experience the most ubiquitous member of the Botrychium group.

  16. Merriam's version places the line somewhat south of this, beginning at Rattlesnake Creek in the west and going eastward south of Blue Rock Creek.

  17. Someone was pointing back over the tree-tops toward Rattlesnake Mountain; and on the slopes there, as the smoke cleared, sure enough, figures were moving.

  18. All agreed that it could not, with Rattlesnake Mountain overtopping it: and the most were for evacuating it and retiring up Lake Champlain to the stronger French fort on Crown Point.

  19. The French had thrown up an outwork on the landward end of the ridge; an engineer had climbed Rattlesnake Mountain at daybreak and conned it through his glass, and had brought down his report two hours ago.

  20. Several times she had startled antelope, and once her horse had shied at a rattlesnake coiled in the sunshine.

  21. I remember seein' Bill shoot the head off a rattlesnake at the side of the road, jest casual-like, and when it come to producin' the hardware he was some quick for a big man.

  22. But it was the Sheriff's idea to get Rattlesnake Mike to guide us, and hire him to cook while we are in camp.

  23. Then, too, Rattlesnake Mike can guide us to any spot on the mountaintop.

  24. To his surprise, the animals were not only alive, but remarkably fat and flourishing, while not a single rattlesnake remained on the island.

  25. What does the rattle of the rattlesnake look like?

  26. Thursday sat crouched in the saddle, wary as a rattlesnake ready to strike.

  27. He crouched, wary as a rattlesnake about to strike.

  28. We'll hole up the dust wagon from the Little Rattlesnake Mine, all of us got up like Jesse James!

  29. Wal," he says, easy like, "give me rattlesnake on toast.

  30. Tell me, Elizabeth, did the Rattlesnake spring so suddenly?

  31. And I laughed again savagely, and I looked up, and there was the Rattlesnake anchored beside the Arcadia.

  32. The Ebenezer belonged to Jimmy and me, but the Rattlesnake belongs to the U.

  33. And the Rattlesnake turned about and we soon lost her in the haze, and we turned about and headed for home.

  34. Why, they're so afraid of rattlesnake bites that they keep loaded up with whisky all the time.

  35. We didn't know but that you might have fallen over some rim or been bitten by a rattlesnake or swallowed by a mountain lion.

  36. A few feet before them was a huge rattlesnake still twisting and turning in its last agonies.

  37. Not more than one person in twenty bitten by a large rattlesnake will die, and only about two in a hundred bitten by small rattlers or by copperheads.

  38. The average poisonous snake of North America cannot kill anything larger than a rabbit, and any medium-sized dog can kill a rattlesnake with perfect safety.

  39. But the venomous population of Rattlesnake Ledge had a Gibraltar for their fortress that might have defied the siege-train dragged to the walls of Sebastopol.

  40. A very interesting young married woman, detained at home at the time by the state of her health, was bitten in the entry of her own house by a rattlesnake which had found its way down from The Mountain.

  41. It was a fascination like that which the rattlesnake is said to exert.

  42. A great seam had opened above the long cliff, and the terrible Rattlesnake Ledge, with all its envenomed reptiles, its dark fissures and black caverns, was buried forever beneath a mighty incumbent mass of ruin.

  43. Once more he whirled the lasso round and round over his head, and then shot it forth, as the rattlesnake shoots his head from the loops against which it rests.

  44. One Gilson is said to have died of the bite of a rattlesnake in this town early in the present century.

  45. Now the domestic habits of the rattlesnake are not studied very closely, for obvious reasons; but it is, no doubt, to all intents and purposes oviparous.

  46. And he cut him a good stick, and began climbing the side of The Mountain to get a look at that famous Rattlesnake Ledge.

  47. She took a root she called the rattlesnake root.

  48. He only awaited the opportunity to turn like a rattlesnake on his magnanimous master, and the youth therefore took particular care that such opportunity should not be given him.

  49. It looked as if he had turned his head to one side that he might catch the music made by the twang of the string when it should dart forward with the speed of the rattlesnake striking from its coil.

  50. Other rattlers now became prominent and Johnny, realizing that he was an unwelcome guest in a rattlesnake den, made good use of his eyes and Colt as he edged towards the mouth of the crevice.

  51. As he pitched forward to his hands he heard the metallic warning of a rattlesnake and all his fears of being shot were knocked out of his head by the sound.

  52. The straggly flower heads of the Hawk Weed, or Rattlesnake Weed, that looks like little Dandelions, will be found in the dry pine woods at this time of the year.

  53. The Rattlesnake Plantain has peculiar leaves veined with white.

  54. A rattlesnake eight feet and a half long, and about eight inches in diameter, sculptured in high relief on the flat surface of a hard brown stone.

  55. They coiled one with the other; they bit, they struck at each other with their heads; and I could hardly imagine that the great rattlesnake could not easily destroy his little antagonist.

  56. An instant after, a huge rattlesnake dragged himself sluggishly out of the long, dry grass, and crawled lazily towards a little knoll where the light fell most strongly.

  57. One State has a palmetto, another has a pelican, and the last that I can enumerate on this occasion, is one State that has the rattlesnake run up as an emblem.

  58. But a rattlesnake is only surprised in this way once, and he is said to improve the pork.

  59. The last emotion of the rattlesnake is intense astonishment; and astonishment is natural, in the circumstances.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rattlesnake" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.