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Example sentences for "rational nature"

  • Therefore to act for an end belongs to none but a rational nature.

  • Therefore neither can man, who is of rational nature, attain the end of the intellectual nature, which is Happiness.

  • The soul is the subject of grace, as being in the species of intellectual or rational nature.

  • There is a twofold nature in man, rational nature, and the sensitive nature.

  • So when "man" is attributed to anyone, a rational nature is likewise attributed to him.

  • God cannot be said to have "a rational nature.

  • I answer that, To each thing, that is befitting which belongs to it by reason of its very nature; thus, to reason befits man, since this belongs to him because he is of a rational nature.

  • But an individual in rational nature is a person, as is plain from Boethius (De Duab.

  • And what is said of a suppositum is to be applied to a person in rational or intellectual creatures; for a person is nothing else than "an individual substance of rational nature," according to Boethius.

  • Yet we must bear in mind that not every individual in the genus of substance, even in rational nature, is a person, but that alone which exists by itself, and not that which exists in some more perfect thing.

  • This is not to love oneself truly according to one's rational nature, so as to desire for oneself the good things which pertain to the perfection of reason: and in this way chiefly it is through charity that a man loves himself.

  • Now the good look upon their rational nature or the inward man as being the chief thing in them, wherefore in this way they think themselves to be what they are.

  • Now, as we have seen, happiness is an intellectual act, the perfection of an intellectual or rational nature (c.

  • Doing right is taking what it suits a rational nature to desire, and eschewing what is unsuitable under the circumstances.

  • Ethics consider human acts in their bearing on human happiness; or, what is the same thing, in their agreement or disagreement with man's rational nature, and their making for or against his last end.

  • The foundation of this principle is: rational nature exists as an end in itself.

  • Rational nature is distinguished from the rest of nature by this, that it sets before itself an end.

  • Now from this source issue for man two opposite exigencies, the two fundamental laws of sensuous-rational nature.

  • Not that this alone is a disproof of monism; but at all events it creates a presumption against a system to find it running counter to any of those universal spontaneous beliefs which appear to be rooted in man's rational nature.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rational nature" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    active volcanism; also wrote; confined himself; felt disposed; hard snow; induce him; land revenue; last wrote; lemon grated; monsieur will; more readily; place between; potassium permanganate; rational animal; rational being; rational beings; rational creature; rational explanation; rational nature; rational psychology; really didn; remote period; scientific theory; second pair; sharp contrast; the fat