All radar units equipped with radarscope cameras would be required to take scope photos of targets that fell into the UFO category--targets that were not airplanes or known weather phenomena.
The minute they appeared on the big 24-inch radarscope one of the controllers placed a plastic marker representing an unidentified target near each blip on the scope.
The senior traffic controller and the six other traffic controllers on the shift were out of the room at eleven-forty, when the man watching the radarscope noticed a group of seven targets appear.
He said that what he saw on that radarscope was no ice cloud; it was some type of aircraft.
Nagel was studying theradarscope over his shoulder.
Prochaska bent over the radarscope and fiddled with some knobs.
Tom watched Miles go to the radarscopeand make a minute adjustment.
Tom Corbett stood at the radarscope and watched the thin white line sweep around the face of the instrument.
They are approaching the spaceport, sir," called the Titan control-tower operator, and Strong jumped to the radarscope to stare at the two blips on the screen.
He handed them a radarscope that was common equipment on small pleasure yachts, and was considerably lighter in weight than the type used on larger freight vessels.
He entered a narrow companionway and clomped awkwardly toward the front of the ship, where the radarscope would be located.
The other half was this: with a better radarscope a ship might not have floundered into the sargasso at all.
After the investigation they'll find out your radarscope wasn't working right.
This is where you'll be, Manning," he said, indicating a large radarscope scanner a little to one side and partially hidden from the glow of the huge teleceiver screen.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "radarscope" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.