There is a boy here that habet quinque panes hath five barley loaves and hordeaceos, et duos pisces: two fishes: but what are these sed haec quid sunt inter among so many?
Now there is at Jerusalem a probatica piscina, quae pond, called Probatica, cognominatur hebraice which in Hebrew is named Bethsaida, quinque porticus Bethsaida, having five habens.
The Discubuerunt ergo viri, numero men therefore sat down in quasiquinque millia.
When they had rowed stadia viginti quinque aut therefore about five and triginta, vident Iesum twenty or thirty furlongs, ambulantem supra mare, et they see Jesus walking upon proximum navi fieri, et the sea, and drawing nigh to timuerunt.
Tullii Ciceronis De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum Libri Quinque With Introduction and Commentary by W.
Infantry attacks were made throughout the line in the course of the afternoon and evening, but, although not very much progress was made, the line was advanced to the La Quinque Rue-Bethune Road before nightfall.
La Quinque Rue, having cleared and captured several lines of the enemy's trenches, including a number of fortified posts.
During the night of May 19-20 a small post of the enemy in front of La Quinque Rue was captured.
As a consequence of this interest, the third of his Tractatus Quinque medico-physici, published in 1674, is devoted to the respiration of the fetus in utero.
It is inserted in the treatise of Sigonius on the bishops of Bologna: Caroli Sigonii de episcopis Bononiensibus libri quinque cum notis L.
The diuersitie betwene bruite beastes and men, or betweene the wise and the simple is, that the one iudgeth by sense onely, [Marginal note: Quinque sensus.
The 2nd Brigade endeavoured to gain the old line at la Quinque Rue, but was unable to do so, and secured a position with its right in touch with the Meerut Brigade and in front of Festubert.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quinque" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.