Constitutional symptoms, particularly pyrexiaand anæmia, are most often met with in young women.
When severe or prolonged pyrexia becomes a source of danger, the use of hot or cold sponging, or even the cold bath, is preferable to the administration of drugs.
The superficial appearance of pyrexia is sometimes given by a local vaso-motor paralysis, which makes the neuralgic part, after a long bout of pain, hot and red; but of general pyrexia there is nothing.
The onset of tonsillitis, sometimes preceded by headache and general malaise, is often accompanied by a chill, pyrexia following within twenty-four hours.
Their development is unattended by pyrexia, unless pleuritis, pericarditis, or other condition coexist to which the pyrexia might {44} be referred.
The plan in vogue at our hospital here and in my own private practice is to give about 15 grains every two or three hours, according to the severity of the case and until the articular pain and pyrexia are relieved.
In the presence of marked pyrexia tincture of aconite may be given in drop doses every hour until an impression has been made upon the heart, when its continuance at intervals of four or more hours will be a matter for consideration.
The case may appear to progress favourably for the first week or ten days, and then an intermittent and increasing pyrexia may occur for no obvious reason.
In a large proportion of cases a favourable result occurs, the pyrexia and head symptoms disappearing and an uneventful recovery taking place.
If, in spite of opening up the mastoid cells and antrum, pyrexia and headache persist, especially if the headache be localized to the affected side and accompanied by tenderness on pressure above the ear or behind the mastoid process.
The operation may not have been successful and the following unfavourable symptoms may occur:-- (a) The pyrexia may continue irregularly for a few days.
On the other hand, gradually increasing pyrexia or a sudden rigor may occur, perhaps not until ten days or so after the primary operation, showing that the sinus has become infected after all.
Unfavourable symptoms are the sudden onset of pyrexia accompanied by delirium usually the result of diffuse meningitis, or of infection of the lateral ventricles.
A febrile movement in lumbago is absent or but slight, while in smallpox the pyrexia is usually pronounced.
The onset may be sudden, the muscular pains severe, the pyrexia decided, the general prostration as marked as in smallpox.
The pyrexia may have the same periodic character as that just noted in cases of cyclic vomiting.
It is these ptomaines, thus carried to all parts of the body, that are largely the immediate cause of the pyrexia and attending symptoms.
Consequently, to control the pyrexia became the leading object of treatment; and whatever would do this promptly, and at the same time allay pain and promote rest, found favor at the bedside of the patient.
Consequently their exhibition was wholly empirical, and the one that subdued the pyrexia most promptly was given the preference.
Occasionally this perisplenitis persists, and in conjunction with the inflammatory changes in the substance of the spleen maintains an irregular fever after the specific pyrexia has run its course.
After an apyretic period of six weeks, during which the symptoms of the amyloid visceral disease persisted, a sudden and rapidly fatal pyrexia occurred.
When given during the pyrexia it aggravated the nausea and vomiting, so that it had to be suspended.
They consist essentially of parenchymatous degenerations of various organs and tissues, and are generally more marked in typhoid fever because the pyrexia is not only of high grade, but also of longer duration than in other diseases.
Thus in some cases three grains of sulphate of quinia were given every two or three hours until tinnitus was produced, and then this was maintained during the remainder of the pyrexia and of the intermission.
It is not only during the pyrexia that this precaution must be enforced; we meet with extreme debility during the intermission in some cases, and syncope has followed exertions made at that period as well as at others.
During the pyrexia the face is flushed and the eyes injected, but the redness is more vivid and the countenance more animated than in either typhoid or yellow fever.
The lysis, therefore, occupies usually a longer time than was required by the pyrexia in reaching its maximum.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pyrexia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.