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Example sentences for "prowed"

Lexicographically close words:
provostship; provyde; prow; prowd; prowde; prowes; prowess; prowesse; prowest; prowl
  1. So they wait with smiling patience, and behind them in the fleet of high-prowed boats hundreds more wait and wonder.

  2. Oregon and a prowed man he was too, and we wer a prowed crew along with him.

  3. Do ye await the Trojans until they come near, where your fair-prowed galleys are moored on the shore of the hoary sea, that ye may know whether the son of Saturn will stretch forth his hand over you.

  4. Wife and child and old father he left behind him and sailed away with his black-prowed ships to fight in Troyland.

  5. With that word he tied the cable of a dark-prowed ship to a great pillar and flung it round the vaulted room, and fastened it aloft, that none might touch the ground with her feet.

  6. But in this hour of my affliction Zeus himself put into my hands the huge mast of the dark-prowed ship, that even yet I might escape from harm.

  7. Forthwith they drave off the best of the kine of Helios that were nigh at hand, for the fair kine of shambling gait and broad of brow were feeding no great way from the dark-prowed ship.

  8. While as yet they were slaying my friends within the deep harbour, I drew my sharp sword from my thigh, and with it cut the hawsers of my dark-prowed ship.

  9. Thither came one part of the fleet, and the men scarce escaped destruction, but the ships were broken by the waves against the rock; while those other five dark-prowed ships the wind and the water bare and brought nigh to Egypt.

  10. So I spake, and he was mightily angered at heart, and he brake off the peak of a great hill and threw it at us, and it fell in front of the dark-prowed ship.

  11. Thereby no sailors boast that they have fled scatheless ever with their ship, for with each head she carries off a man, whom she hath snatched from out the dark-prowed ship.

  12. Boldly then their high-prowed ships They moor with cables to that shore, a land That is no land.

  13. And when the rowers rested on their long oars, and the red-prowed ship ground on the pebbles of the beach, Perseus and his bride sought Danaë, the fair mother of Perseus.

  14. So it came to pass that Beowulf, in his black-prowed ship, with fourteen trusty followers, set sail from Gothland for the kingdom of Hrothgar.

  15. Stricken at heart was Dædalus, but there was no time to lament his son's untimely end, for even now the black-prowed ships of Minos might be in pursuit.

  16. During his long life he and his men never went forth in their black-prowed ships without returning with the joyous shouts of the victor, with for cargo the rich spoil they had won from their enemies.

  17. Large, high-prowed galleys bear down upon us, the crews racing for the first berth.

  18. Step on land, and there are the high-prowed galleys drawn up, quite in the ancient fashion, upon the narrow strip of sand.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prowed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.