The congregations were not taught to govern themselves, but were ruled byprovosts sent from Sweden.
The provosts and principals will execute and cause to be executed the regulations regarding instruction, discipline, and compatibility.
Hermann Tilbeck and Kaspar Judenfeld were named burgomasters; Heinrich Modersohn and Heinrich Redekker were chosen provosts or tribunes of the people.
Knipperdolling persuaded the butcher Modersohn and the skinner Redekker that, as provosts of their guilds, they were entitled to convene the members of their trades without the intervention of the magistrates.
The magistrates andprovosts then selected six hundred trusty Evangelicals, and united them to a band of three hundred mercenaries and a small troop of horse.
These men at once hastened to collect the heads of the corporations and provosts together, and urge them to take their part against the Rath.
The provostsof the guilds hastily drew up a petition to the senate to expel the clergy from the town, and to confiscate their goods; but the magistrates refused to comply with this requisition, which would have at once stirred up civil war.
It must not be forgotten that, in those days, the provosts of the cities of Britain were members of the aristocracy--the great men of the district who condescended to enjoy the honor of the position without performing the duties.
It was a source of much pleasure to me to know the provosts and leaders in council of so many towns in Scotland and England, not forgetting Ireland where my Freedom tour was equally attractive.
I met remarkable men in the mayors andprovosts and the leading citizens connected with municipal affairs, and each community had its own individual stamp and its problems, successes, and failures.
And the provosts are to give their minds that this academy be so governed, adorned, and preserved, as may be most attractive to men of parts and good affections to the commonwealth, for the excellency of the conversation.
The opinions being thus prepared, any magistrate of the signory, the censors, or any two of the provosts of that council, upon this occasion may assemble the Senate.
It was especially in the towns administered in the king's name and by his provosts that there was a development of this spirit, which has long been the predominant characteristic of French burgherdom.
The family of Fall gave Dunbar provosts and baillies, and ruled the political interests of that burgh for many years.
An early and interesting Irish example of this kind of marshalling is afforded by a dimidiated coat of Clare and Fitzgerald, which now figures on the official seal of the Provosts of Youghal (Clare: "Or, three chevrons gules.
In 1252 the countship was sold to the bishops of Munster; but their rule soon became little more than nominal, and in Emden itself the family of Abdena, the episcopal provosts and castellans, established their practical independence.
Mann for their assistance in compiling the lists of Provosts and Organists.
He was at once placed in the custody of Jean Pouguet, an archer in His Majesty's guards, and of the archers of the provosts of Loudun and Chinon, to be taken to the castle at Angers.
Men of the world, active in social affairs, as well as clerkly and diligent in the conduct of the school, were some of the earlier provosts and masters.
I just learned that the provosts of each quarter of the city are going from house to house inquiring about the religion of the tenants, and noting down the Huguenots.
The provosts of the merchants, all exemplary Catholics, had, under pretext of taking a general census, drawn up full lists of all the Huguenots in the city.
Of their company of halberdiers, all the provosts except two have fallen.
And then he took his hat and mantle and went out by the porch .
There was a hoarse exclamation of satisfaction and a confused murmur of voices for a moment or two.
The dwarf calleth theprovosts of the city and the greater lords.
Thereupon behold you the provosts and the lords of the city, and they come over against Lancelot.
The deans of the chapel, who were first the provosts of Kirkheugh at St. Andrews, afterwards the bishops of Galloway, and eventually the bishops of Dunblane, possessed in their capacity as deans an episcopal jurisdiction.
Then he ordained provosts and masters over them to set them awork and put them to affliction of burdens.
Confoond thae Provosts and Bailies," says he, "I never saw sic a set.
The vast works of this kind under the direction of the Trade Provosts are only now disappearing.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "provosts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.