Compression of bees, shrub-shaped, inproton loops, on cushioned air.
But the general and partisan use of these terms superadds to this [Greek: proton pseudos] a second which is much more flagrant.
Metrophanes (From the Midnight Service for the Sabbath) {e tonproton ton Angelon amesos diakosmon} Parakletike, p.
Information from the wire chambers defines proton trajectories, and pulse heights from the counters determine their energies.
The PDP-9 first tries to reconstruct a vertex from the proton trajectories.
Massive nuclei possessed more neutrons per proton than less massive ones did.
Though a proton carries the necessary positive charge that is exactly as large as the negative charge of the electron, the proton has a much larger mass than the electron has.
This would be just as massive as the proton and would carry a negative charge just as large as the proton’s positive charge.
Small quantities of hydrogen-2 (deuterium) with a nucleus made up of a proton plus a neutron also exist and such atoms are perfectly stable.
When a positive beta particle, a positron, was emitted, the reverse happened—a proton was converted to a neutron.
From a single proton, it will become a proton plus a neutron; from hydrogen-1, it will become hydrogen-2.
Emphasis has been placed on the biological effects of high-energy proton radiation and particulate radiation from accelerators.
Radiation sources in space are of three types: galactic cosmic radiation, Van Allen belts, and solar flares with an intense proton flux.
One study involved the rate of mutation in cells and disposed of the suggestion that the process of mutation consists of a "tunneling" of proton from one base to another in DNA.
Just as the sodium ion is unsatisfied because in it there is one more proton than there are electrons, so the copper ion is unsatisfied.
In this sodium ion which is formed when the nucleus of the sodium atom breaks away but leaves behind one planetary electron, there is then one more proton than there are electrons.
Yes, a proton is a speck of electricity of the kind we call positive and an electron is of the kind we call negative.
Similarly we call the chlorine ion, which has one less proton than it has electrons, a minus or "negative ion.
Two is company when one is an electron and the other a proton but three is a crowd always.
In an atom there is always an extra proton in the nucleus for each planetary electron.
Now the simplest kind of a game that can be played, and the one with the smallest number of electrons and protons, is that played by a single proton and a single electron.
At any rate I do know that the atom called "hydrogen" is formed by just one proton and one electron.
It doesn't make any difference to a proton what electron it is keeping company with provided only it is an electron and not another proton.
The "ether" is just a name for whatever is left in the space about us when we have taken out everything which we can see or feel--every molecule, every proton and every electron.
Between an electron and any other electron or between two protons or between an electron and a proton there is usually a relatively enormous distance.
Since it has a unit positive charge, it can be accelerated just as an isolated proton can be.
Using modern standards, the mass of a proton is 1.
In that same year he maintained that a gamma ray, which possessed no mass, simply lacked the momentum to hurl a proton out of its place in the atom.
The proton would now be repelled by the positive charge of the nucleus and would go flying away.
That nucleus, often called a “deuteron”, is made up of 1 proton plus 1 neutron and has a mass number of 2 and an atomic number of 1.
The fact that the neutron was just about as massive as the proton was to be expected if the neutron were a proton-electron combination.
The hydrogen-1 nucleus was made up of a single proton, but all nuclei containing more than 1 proton had to contain neutrons also to be stable, and only certain numbers of neutrons.
If a very massive nucleus is broken up into somewhat lighter nuclei, the proton packing would be tighter and some mass would be converted into energy.
Any radiation capable of knocking a proton out of an atom had to consist of particles that were themselves pretty massive.
Why the proton should be so much more massive than the electron is still one of the unanswered mysteries of physics.
Since a nucleus is made up of a whole number of protons, its mass ought to be a whole number if the mass of a single proton is considered 1.
Since we started constructing negative-proton matter, we've found out a few things about nucleonic structure.
Was there any possibility that negative-proton matter might be used as a weapon?
The number at the lower left of each element symbol in the above reaction is the proton number.
Her various weapons had stopped operating now, the hoppers of the Garnell guns exhausted, the charge of the accumulators aboard the ship down so low the proton guns had died out.
Perhaps, if it passed within that forbidden territory, the proton and the electron curve space beyond all bounds--and are in a new space.
A hydrogen atom--its electron far from the protonfalls in, and from it there goes a flash of radiation, and the electron is nearer to the proton, in a new orbit.
Yet--the proton is positive and attracts the electron's negative charge.
An extracted proton beam from the cyclotron enters the physics cave from the left, striking a polyethylene target and producing [pi] mesons.
A movable target such as a block of carbon is placed inside the cyclotron near the end of the outward-spiraling proton beam.
When the proton beam hits this target, a shower of mesons is produced.
In this way, more is learned about the fundamental [pi]-proton interaction.
Yet it was very well to think of the proton nucleus of the hydrogen atom as a simple top, he reminded himself; but they were more complex than that.
Matter of fact," he said in an aside, "if you want a better explanation of that effect, you might look up the maintenance manual on the proton gyroscopes that Sad Cow uses.
In his mind he pictured the tiny gyroscopes all brought into alignment by the interplay of magnetic forces; and around each proton the tiny, planetary electrons.
And taking his men out when the proton level was still too high to go beyond the rim shielding.
Each proton and electron fitted itself more snugly against the north pole face and pushed with the entire force of its newly-imposed inertial pattern.
I am speaking of the type of memory and knowing that is a strain in the structure of the proton or atom.
This immediately combines with a proton to form a new neutron and emit a neutrino (a high-energy particle with neither mass nor charge).
When this occurs, the new nucleus has one more neutron and one less proton than its parent; in effect a proton has become a neutron as the nucleus loses a positive charge.
The process increases the neutron-to-proton ratio of the nucleus; the daughter has the same mass number as the parent, but has an atomic number one less than the parent.
We must go back to Faraday's three laws of electrolysis--and Chadwick's establishment in nineteen thirty-one of the fact that radiation is merely the movement of particles of proton mass without proton charge.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proton" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.