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Example sentences for "profyte"

Lexicographically close words:
profuse; profusely; profuseness; profusion; profytable; prog; progenie; progenies; progenitor; progenitors
  1. But graût of thy grete goodnes / that the prayers [with] all other good dedes done by me / or to be done may gracyously profyte me.

  2. Grutche not ayenst ony persone without thou see that [thou] may profyte what soeuer cause [thou] haue.

  3. For what shall it profyte a man / if he wynne al the worlde and lose his owne soule?

  4. He coulde so profyte them which were euell / that theyr euill shuld not hurte him / and therfore might vse familiaritie with the wicked.

  5. God geve yow grace to be of sadde and good dysposyn here after to Hys plesans, and comforte to me, and to all yowyr frendys, and to yowyr wurchyp and profyte here after.

  6. I prey yow hye yow hom hastyly and se your owne profyte your sylf.

  7. And mortall myschefe had leuer be dede or slayne Than byde correccyon or for his profyte payne Suche haue suche pleasour in theyr mad folysshe pype That they dispyse all other melody.

  8. Thus it appereth playne and euydent That wyse prouysyon, prose and good counsayle Are moche laudable, and also excellent And to mankynde great profyte and auayle.

  9. For profyte of the offrynge, thei seye, that it is the cros of oure Lord Jesu Crist.

  10. And the Sarrazines kepen that place fulle derely, for the profyte that thei han there offe: and thei ben fulle wykked Sarrazines and cruelle, and more dispytous than in ony other place, and han destroyed alle the chirches.

  11. And finally that the maker of the lawe applye his hole studie & mynde to the welthe of his subiectes and to the comon profyte of them.

  12. And than let hym extenuate his owne faute / and shew that there folo- wed nat so great damage therof / and that but lytle profyte or honesty wyll folowe of his punysshment.

  13. Also of them afore whome we speke / as if we say / it is for theyr profyte to laude or prayse the p[er]son.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "profyte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.