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Example sentences for "prime number"

  • If the banker can bring about a prime number, he will win; and I will show how he can always do this, whatever the customer may put in the box, and that therefore the banker will win to a certainty.

  • The denominator must always be a prime number of the form 6n + 1, or composed of such primes.

  • The difficulty lies wholly with those cases where n is a prime number.

  • Such a number is, of course, called a prime number.

  • The number thirteen fulfils these conditions: it is a prime number, it is the seventh prime number, and seven is the fifth prime number.

  • If prime numbers are precious, doubly prime numbers are doubly so; meaning those which are not only themselves prime numbers, but the number which marks their place in the series of prime numbers is a prime number.

  • But then, he says, it is absolutely necessary that the basis of numeration should be a prime number.

  • For a quartic the formulae present themselves in a somewhat different form, by reason that 4 is not a prime number.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prime number" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    conspiracy against; eight reals; essential oils; flint glass; give himself; government office; heat from; held together; junior high; larger scale; least expected; lofty trees; long corridor; military career; pancreatic juice; prime importance; prime minister; prime minister and deputy prime minister; prime minister and deputy prime ministers; prime mover; prime necessity; prime number; timber line; under such; whole being; wooden image