There were certaine priestes in the citie, who dyd eate and drinke before in these honest mens houses, to whom the priestes were much bounden.
These priestes were earnestly desired to entreate for their hostesse, at the Cardinalles handes: but they altogether refused, desiryng rather their death then preseruation.
Priestes of al degrees, are charged to prayse God seuen times a daie, and to praye with ordenarie oraisons.
To learne by the Priestes preachyng, the Gospelle and the commaundementes of our faith.
Also that I write to the pleasure of a Lady and a most gratious Queene, and neither to Priestes nor to Prophetes or Philosophers.
Anon after came your secular Priestes as jolly rymers as the rest, who being sore agreeued with their Pope Calixtus, for that he had enjoyned them from their wives,& railed as fast against him.
When faith failes in Priestes sawes, And Lords hestes are holden for lawes, And robberie is tane for purchase, And lechery for solace Then shall the Realme of Albion Be brought to great confusion.
Item whether there be within the said parish any that doth maintayne or uphold the opinion that priestes and religious persones may lawfullye be maryed and continue together.
The wine beside that hallowed is, in worship of his name, The priestes doe giue the people that bring money for the same.
The priestes doe rore aloude; and round about the parentes stande, To see the sport, and with their voyce do helpe them and their hande.
They present them in a dish in both kindes together, and carrie them rounde about the Church vpon the Priestes head, and so doe minister at all such times as any shall require.
Priestes and Moncks fained themselues to be Spirites: also how Mundus vnder this colour defiled Paulina, and Tyrannus abused many noble and honest matrones.
The Black Death--Lollardism at the Universities--The Poore Priestes of Wycliffe.
Another Nunne with her hadde she, That was her chapelain,[77] and Priestes three.
Chrises the Priestes Oration to the Grekes, in the Pla.
The Priestes and Ministers doe consecrate this Idoll with great pomp and many Ceremonies.
After all this pomp ended, no secular man mought touche that holye Image, no nor yet come into his Chappell, nay scarcely religious persons, except they were Tlamacaztli, who are Priestes of order.
Also they had a certaine Prognostication and forwarning by their Priestes of the comming from the east parties a straunge people, white of colour and bearded men, who should winne and rule that countrey.
All the day, they and their priestes do eate and drinke so much till they can no more.
Their priestes doo assist them in these feastes very richly apparelled, and doo offer sacrifice vpon their altars vnto the heauen, and vnto their idolles, and they sing many songes.
Except there be any man, whiche may beleue that our Lorde God woulde inspire the righteousnesse of examination, to any one singular person, and to denie the same to priestes gathered together into counsaile without number, &c.
Let our sacrificinge priestes do the same vnto vs at this daie.
And that the priestes do saye Masse in the remẽberaunce of sayntes / that they do sacrifice for the synnes of the quicke and the deade / and to be short that they do say masse for euery thinge / for filthie lucres sake.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "priestes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.