Lee Renaud, spider webs draping his black hair and the dust of ages prickling at his nose, persisted in his efforts to clear this strange mechanism of its weight of junk.
A man "was bitten in the groin, and complained of only a slight prickling and itching at the spot where he was bitten, but was complaining [when Dr.
Was unable to move around on account of this strange, uncertain feeling of numbness, with prickling sensation in left arm and hand,^4.
Upper teeth feel "on edge," with slight pricklingpains in sockets, which slowly grow more severe.
Prickling burning sensation on the tongue, as if scalded (first day), 1.
This reporter had for long aroused in Boris some blind and prickling irritation.
The first, in a decisive and business-like manner, trying to hide under the solicitous words something real, inward, prickling and inconvenient.
When Sally said this, I had the oddest sensation, like a prickling in all my veins.
You may feel them prickling up and down your spine for a bit, while you're getting used to a new order of things at the Valley Farm," answered Mr. Brett.
A little tremor went over him, a prickling of the scalp.
He turned as one who was bracing himself to meet an enemy, with a primitive prickling where the bristles used to rise on the necks of our cavemen ancestors.
Again Gordon felt the prickling hair--in fact, as they rattled and jerked along there was scarcely a mile of the road that failed to produce it.
From the cactus chaparral that clothed their tops, the revolutionary lightnings had struck sometimes twice or thrice; and when the train ran into one, Gordon would feel a prickling at the roots of his hair.
And in the silence there came to him again that strange, prickling apprehension.
The lean figure spoke again in that rasping, unintelligible voice--he addressed the girl now--and the tone sent a strange prickling of animosity through every fibre of the watching man.
In the just-gone dusk I felt the prickling blood flow to my finger-ends.
But when theprickling of the multitudinous darts ceased to hurt and only the numbness remained and continued verging into greater numbness I once more grew frightened.
Even then my body was numbing and prickling through the loss of circulation.
It was while engaged in this elevating pursuit that Lambert glimpsed for an instant in the passing stream of people a figure that made him start with the prickling alertness of recognition.
A thousand regrets for his simplicity in falling into their trap came prickling him with their momentary torture, succeeded by wild gropings, frantic seekings, for some plan to get away.
A pricklingof the skin went goose-quilling down his back.
His stomach muscles tightened, and he felt a prickling of the skin run down his back.
There is a sharp, prickling sensation in the nostrils, which reminds one of breathing coal gas through a radiator in the floor, and you want to sneeze, but cannot.
I must have slept about two hours, when I awoke with a prickling sensation all over me.
And I felt the prickling sensation of sweat against my clothes as I swung open the door.
Then, with a prickling sensation of sweat over all my body, I broke the spell by fumbling with a box of cigarettes and with a hand spasmodically quivering like the needle of a seismograph, I held them out.
Once more the loathsome fever quickened the pulses of the man at bay, and the curious needle-like prickling of the skin came to signal the return of the homicidal fear-frenzy.
The force of the Scriptural simile came to him with startling emphasis, bringing on a return of the prickling dismay.
The chilliness is soon followed by a glow of heat and prickling of the skin, and quickly succeeded by perspiration which is sometimes profuse and disposed to be persistent, continuing from twelve to twenty-four hours.
Warily, for his scalp was prickling with a premonition of danger, Dundee crossed the room to the shelf, but his hand did not reach out for the red book, which might have been expected to solve one problem, at least.
When the boat went up, up, every nerve in my body tingled, and I felt a prickling sensation clear to the ends of my fingers and toes, and the higher up the boat went the stronger was the nervous action.
The first intimation we had of their presence, while riding along at a lively gait, was a prickling sensation all over the calves of our legs, and my stockings were actually black with them.
Choking suddenly in panic and with a prickling sense all over his body as though the blood had gone to sleep and would not run in his veins, Horace threw himself down on the soft ground.
Then the boy noticed, on the under side of his legs, just where his weight touched the edge of the chair, a curiousprickling sensation, as though he had been stung with nettles.
That instant, wherever the weight of his hand had been, the prickling began.
The eruption is attended with a severe, hot, prickling sensation, as if the flesh were punctured with hot needles.
The eruption is preceded by chills, languor, slight fever, intense thirst, a sharp prickling sensation of the skin, and profuse perspiration.
These symptoms are not as distressing as the sense of fullness about the eyes and frontal region, and prickling dry heat, with more or less obstruction in the nostrils.
Tea made from the thistle is a remedy for prickling pains in the larynx, milkweed will induce a flow of milk, and there are other examples of inferential medicine.
Then a prickling twitched the skin between Loudon's shoulders, and he experienced a curious species of exhilaration.
He fled hurriedly, his skinprickling all over, and dived into the kindly darkness behind the corral.
I was immediately conscious of a queer prickling sensation about the back of my head, and my hands began to sweat a little.
A constant, queer prickling went up and down my spine, and a dull ache took me in the small of the back, as I fought with myself to conquer this sudden new feeling of terror and horror.
It seemed to Dick that he had slumbered for only a moment, when suddenly he was wide awake, his skin prickling as if some unknown presence were in the room.
A prickling sensation ran up and down Dick's spine.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prickling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.