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Example sentences for "possessor"

Lexicographically close words:
possessions; possessioun; possessive; possessiveness; possessives; possessors; possessory; possest; posset; possibile
  1. Law of Regression It is only by watching the effect of the peculiarity on the offspring of its possessor that we are able to determine the nature of the variation.

  2. Those who study reptiles, on the other hand, do not allow that a mere difference in colour is sufficient to promote its possessor to specific rank.

  3. It is conceivable that every now and again a mutation occurs which renders its possessor conspicuous.

  4. Caen, of course, does not compete with Lisieux for its leading position as the possessor of the largest number of old houses, but it nevertheless can show some quaint carved fronts in the Rue St Pierre and the narrow streets adjoining.

  5. He was a well-known man, a burgher, and a possessor of considerable wealth, and it was therefore with considerable anxiety that the clergy heard his claim upon the ground in which they were about to bury William.

  6. The four-leaved Clover had extraordinary influence in preserving its possessor from magical and witch influence, and enabled their possessors also to see through any deceit or device which might be tried against them.

  7. To possess a hen which took to crowing like a cock boded ill to the possessor or his family if it were not disposed of either by killing or selling.

  8. These flint arrow-heads are occasionally found, and the possession of one of these will protect the possessor against the power of these astral beings, and at the same time enable him or her to cure disease in cattle and women.

  9. In my case, as I was the victim, scoring with a wet finger was sufficient; but the suspected possessor of the evil eye was more roughly treated, scoring in this case being effected with some sharp instrument so as to draw blood.

  10. Elder berries, gathered on St. John's Eve, would prevent the possessor suffering from witchcraft, and often bestowed upon their owners magical powers.

  11. Formerly the persons who called to congratulate the happy possessor of a new boy or girl were offered mulled wine and plum-cake.

  12. Strangest, perhaps, of all these possibilities for fiction is the anting-anting, at once a mysterious power to protect its possessor and the outward symbol of the protection.

  13. No bandit leader who promptly carves an ear off the man who does his errands grudgingly is half so feared as a Filipino "tulisane" whom his fellows know to be the possessor of a powerful "anting-anting.

  14. Ceylon appeals irresistibly to any possessor of the wandering foot, for it is an island paradise.

  15. The possessor of this astute mind moved himself and his machinery of government to the plain below--and all his people followed.

  16. The present possessor of the same name, grandson to Sir Thomas, resided at Grislehurst during the latter part of Elizabeth's reign and that of James.

  17. The goods and effects of which he died the possessor were vested in your name, I believe, in trust for her benefit and the surviving children.

  18. As shall be presently demonstrated, faith in the Godhead is requisite to salvation; it is indeed a saving power, leading its possessor in the paths of godliness; surely a mere belief in the existence and attributes of Deity is no such power.

  19. The consciousness of earnest effort toward godly walk and conduct is a power of itself, strengthening its possessor in sacrifice and under persecution, and sustaining him in all good works.

  20. This, with bathing, kept me in fair health, though I never had what is called robust health, that which allows its possessor to commit great imprudences with impunity.

  21. It so happened that I became possessor of an unfortunate tawny dog.

  22. Thus the possessor of twelve oxen is supposed to possess also an extent of land, the cultivation of which may require that number, and is therefore assessed to pay a quantity of corn proportioned to the assumed amount of his gross receipt.

  23. But if the possessor have the property in a foreign country, there shall be no bar as to time.

  24. Utterly regardless of the feelings of the possessor of the web, the fly-catcher takes beakful after beakful of it, and smears it over the part of the branch on which the nest will rest.

  25. In certain cases, however, as in that of creatures like the shunk, which are not preyed upon, or that of nocturnal animals, the possession of dark under parts does not affect the chances of the possessor in the struggle for existence.

  26. We must demonstrate that from its earliest beginning the organ in question has all along given its possessor sufficient advantage in the struggle for existence to effect his preservation when his fellows have been killed.

  27. Why the big fellow should be the happy possessor of two extra caudal feathers is a puzzle which no one has attempted to solve.

  28. At his death, Benson became the possessor of his few books, his few surgical instruments and some curious preparations.

  29. In after days he also became the possessor of the farm, called Riversdale.

  30. Now, you'll hardly believe that, notwithstanding he was the possessor of his princely revenue, the baron was not satisfied, but oppressed and ground down his unfortunate tenants to the very last penny he could possible squeeze out of them.

  31. It secures to its possessor a peace and joy which cannot be attained without it--which no amount of money, or houses and lands, can purchase.

  32. The desire for wealth is nearly universal, and none can say it is not laudable, provided the possessor of it accepts its responsibilities, and uses it as a friend to humanity.

  33. Amory sighed to be the possessor of a relentless intellect.

  34. Real men, like Cosimo, always had money, and Amory was quite sure that, even if Cosimo had not inherited a fortune from his uncle, he would still have contrived to make himself the possessor of money in some other way.

  35. Instead of bolstering up a theory with a handful of fluff gained or lost, it would perhaps be better to settle how the original brute became the possessor of implements and fire.

  36. In June of the following year I became in the most remarkable way possessor of the little farm which I still hold, in Keilhau, and thus for the first time possessor also of the land upon which the schoolhouse had already been erected.

  37. Every member must be the possessor of a hundred-dollar share in the club, and these shares are now at a premium of about five times their par value.

  38. Nor to suspect myself of being the possessor of 'nerves.

  39. He was the possessor of a sinister, villainous mug, looked capable of any crime and all in all was the most repulsive reptile in appearance that I ever set eyes on.

  40. He sold one of his mines on the Mother Lode and after many fluctuations of fortune is again the possessor of ample means.

  41. Is not the royal dignity itself so truly great as to make its possessor happy by the mere contemplation of what he is?

  42. The advertiser designates me as the possessor of the beast.

  43. A picturesque, old German virtuoso is the reverent possessor of a genuine "Cremona.

  44. A picturesque, old German virtuoso is the reverent possessor of a genuine Cremona.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "possessor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    hold; holder; keeper; owner; proprietor