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Example sentences for "popularly elected"

  • It provided for a popularly elected governor, a deputy-governor, council, and assembly.

  • The colony was governed by a popularly elected "parliament," which chose a council of five men.

  • They were not to be popularly elected, however, Stuyvesant being allowed to appoint the members.

  • In the first place, they put the administrative affairs of the rural portions of the country in the hands almost exclusively of popularly elected bodies.

  • There were included no popularly elected representatives.

  • So shrewd an observer as Mr Goldwin Smith bitterly complains of the fickleness of popularly elected Parliaments, and their quickness to reflect the external influences of the moment, as of the chief dangers to our political stability.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "popularly elected" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    actual practice; black slave; cream soups; eight wounded; electrical equipment; general verdict; gunshot wounds; ideal form; many witnesses; mediaeval history; more extended; much alarmed; natural life; other religions; permit them; popularly called; popularly elected; popularly known; popularly supposed; practical guide; severe punishment; she moved; sont les; till presently; words came