The pretty Lady of Meissen was motionless on her porcelain bracket, and the little Saxe poodle was quiet at her side.
Wednesday afternoon Miss Julia Summers came with three lap robes, a white lace veil and a French poodle in a sleigh and went to bed in one of the best rooms, and that night we started to move out furniture to the shelter-house.
Judith, jamming into a haughty woman with the perpetual poodle under her arm.
I saw that yellow-haired woman smuggle a little poodle in her hand bag.
And they go through a regular screen play in getting the lady, the bag, and the poodle out of the car.
Letting go his father's hand, Hal started to skate toward the place where the little poodle dog had last been seen.
That might have been all right, only Roly-Poly, the little fat poodle dog, did the same thing.
So all the little poodle dog could do was to bark.
I'm awful sorry I threw the sticks for him to chase after," said Charlie Anderson, the boy who had been playing with the poodle dog while Hal and Mab were learning to skate.
A boy who had no skates had come down to the frozen pond, and, seeing the poodle dog, and knowing him to be Hal's pet, this boy wanted to have some fun.
I think it would be a blessing to home life if an avenging angel should go through this country, smiting every English pug and poodle dog bought to take the place of babies.
A brother of dolorous whine was engaged in prayer, when poodle evidently thought that the time for response had come, and gave a loud yawn that had no tendency to solemnize the occasion.
At a prayer meeting once in my house, a snarling poodle came in, looked around, and then went and sat under the chair of its owner.
Our camps, which we did not find without considerable difficulty, were called Poodle and Pitchett, and were both most wretched affairs, with indifferent tents set amid a wilderness of snow.
The poodle gave a shrill bark, and vibrated excitedly between the door and his master as if he understood all that was going on, and recommended a speedy march toward the promised food and shelter.
I will call him, he knows me," and Bab scrambled up, forgetting how she had chased the poodle and called him names two days ago.
Bab took a patient survey down both the side paths, quite longing to see the funny poodle again.
To their great relief the poodle gave several more inquiring barks, and then vanished as suddenly as he appeared.
The Poodle Prince is king of the Fly-catchers, and receives his funny appellation from the circumstance that his godmother, a fairy, occasionally turns him into a poodle.
A heavy string of white-coral beads, the size of cherries, was looped about her neck, and she carried the mate to the excitable poodle that defied the curiosity-seekers outside.
The poodle pawed frantically and yelped a shrill appreciation of the meeting.
That would teach you how to purify and ennoble every poodlereally scientifically, you know.
Damn me, they trained a parcel ofpoodle dogs to watch the shells when they fell, and then to run and pull the fuses out with their teeth.
You were called Papa Poodle because you took care of me when I was a baby: And now I can read words of three syllables, and you sit with a book before you like a regular gaby.
Now, a poodle is a dog of parts, and it is more likely that you fall in with a sagacious dog than with a sagacious man.
The gentleman told Tasso that he seemed to be a kind brother, and that he might keep the money and the dog too, if only he would find them another poodle and teach him to be as wise and faithful as Moufflou was.
He soon found a poodle almost as pretty as Moufflou, and every day Lolo, who has grown strong now, helps Tasso to teach him all of Moufflon's tricks.
Then he brought up the black Poodle with the golden chain, and said, 'This is the villain.
Then he set out on his journey, and the Poodle was made to run alongside till the Prince reached his own country.
She carried a beautiful little French poodle in her arms and was feeding her with sugar.
One day, as the officer was walking hastily over the bridge, he was annoyed by a muddy poodle dog rubbing up against him, and dirtying his beautifully polished boots.
A few days later the officer was again crossing the bridge, when a second time the poodle brushed against him and spoilt his boots.
The result is a weak, thin, miserable creature, with an unhappy furtive expression, and a meagre mane, more like a poodle than the king of beasts in a savage state.
Under the tuition of her master, the poodle began to be an artist in her way.
When he was set free, however, the poodle seemed restless and ill at ease, and after two or three days he disappeared entirely.
The poodle hastened to present herself before him, wagging her tail, and Lori continued, 'Go to the baker.
All at once Poodle espied two donkeys grazing in a field.
I often wonder if he had any feeling left in his tail after that; for while it pained me to drag Cheese, it must have caused Poodle more pain to tow us two by resorting to such a sensitive extreme.
When it gets so that a rich person would not permit a poodle to do the work in a tobacco factory that a poor girl does to support a sick mother, hell had better be opened for summer boarders.
We doubt if they were treated as well as this poodle was treated.
This poodle wore a military shako (it is unnecessary to add, very much on one side over one eye), a little military coat, and the regulation white gaiters.
Lizzie, for a sudden rush and scuffle sounded on the other side of the stream, a rat leaped wildly from the bank, and a shaved poodlehalf jumped, half fell after it into the water.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "poodle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.