There is a "pledging of the word," in another sense than the ordinary sense of troth and promise.
When he heard this decree, Malagigi implored the emperor to give him a good meal, since this was to be his last night on earth, pledging his word not to leave the camp without the emperor.
The Lord has joined His people to Himself by a solemn covenant, He promising to be their God, and they pledgingthemselves to be His, and His alone.
Not until he had received the document pledging him the emperor’s protection, did he appear in the presence of the papal ambassador.
Though they may take the oath pledging their loyalty to the state, yet back of this lies the vow of obedience to Rome, absolving them from every pledge inimical to her interests.
Pledging the rents of their large landed estates as security for the fulfilment of their contracts with usurers, the Mercers entered on business as life assurance agents.
A series of resolutions was proposed and unanimously adopted, pledging the meeting to use every means to preserve the Union intact and inviolate.
On June 2nd, after pledging her word not to come north of the Potomac until the war was over, Mrs. Greenhow was escorted beyond the lines of the Union army and set at liberty.
Footnote 74: Expressing confidence in the wisdom and integrity of the President and Congress and pledging the support of New Jersey should the United States determine to resist by force the lawless aggressions by Great Britain.
Transmitting resolutions of the legislature of Pennsylvania expressing confidence in the wisdom, patriotism, and firmness of the President and Congress relative to affairs with Great Britain and pledging support in case of an appeal to arms.
The Canonigo was a swaggering roysterer, pledging the revenues of the Church in games of chance.
The king himself drank to the king, and so the toast went round, and two barrels of strong old ale were spent inpledging that health.
Before the smoke of the battle had cleared away we had called immense meetings and passed vigorous resolutions, thanking the lovers of liberty who had favored us with their suffrages, and pledging ourselves anew to the conflict.
Both these gentlemen were active members of the Thayer County Association, and after their election a committee waited on them, pledging them to special effort during the coming session.
The Independent Order of Good Templars passed resolutions unqualifiedly committing the grand lodge of the State in favor of granting suffrage to woman, and pledging themselves to labor for the furtherance of that object.
At this time I had learned that the English traders on the coast had held a meeting and entered into an agreement, pledging themselves never to carry me, nor take any letters to Jamaica or elsewhere, to help me to get away from this coast.
He had deposited the securities for the amount with Sandford, who first borrowed money in the street by pledging them, and then failed to-day.
After considerable debate, it was resolved that the children should be left behind with the governess, Sir Within pledginghimself to watch over them most attentively, and send constant reports of Ada to her family.
Of that I am well aware," said Sir Within, lifting his glass and appearing to be quietly pledging Mr. M'Kinlay to himself as a toast.
Without pledging ourselves for the correctness of every sentiment or sentence in the pages of this useful work, we would earnestly recommend it to the attention of our readers generally.
Further, the Congress which accepted the cession was competent to pass a resolution pledging itself not to use all the power over the District committed to it by the Constitution.
Syria, pledging their parole not to serve again during the war.
General Taylor had been elected without subscribing to a platform or pledging himself to a specific measure, and he was therefore in a position to resist and reject appeals of the ordinary partisan character.
Certain bankers of New York had suggested that the immediate wants of the government might be supplied by pledgingseven and three-tenths per cent.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pledging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: debt; financing; touching