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Example sentences for "pled"

Lexicographically close words:
plebiscitum; plebs; plectognath; plectra; plectrum; pledge; pledged; pledges; pledget; pledgets
  1. With every impassioned word he spoke Rutherfurd hoped to bring some sign of life to her, to glean a look from her eyes that showed that her love was still his, but he pled in vain.

  2. Poet John Milton pled for civil and religious freedom, freedom of social life, and freedom of the press.

  3. More pled for proportion between punishment and crime.

  4. He pled not guilty and took no exception to any jurors, stating that he knew them all to be honest men.

  5. Arrested three weeks ago, without bail, he had pled guilty the day before to burglary in the third degree, and was awaiting sentence before Justice Ryan.

  6. So he had pled guilty in the hopes of a short sentence.

  7. Can the local circumstances of any province upon earth be pled in excuse for such a violent trade, and for such endless slavery in consequence of it?

  8. The one appealed to her while present, the other pled strongest while away.

  9. When she had pled with him for himself a moment before Cherry Malotte was genuine and girlish but now as he spoke thus of the other woman a change came over her which he was too disturbed to note.

  10. Hester," pled Rose, determined not to be offended, "I was only relieving the poor Misses Stone of a painful necessity.

  11. This does me good," George pled with the nurse.

  12. We retired to a Native house that had been temporarily granted to us for rest, and there pled before God for them all.

  13. They pled with me to go and see it; but I made much fuss about dressing, and getting ready to meet the great Chief on the vessel, and would not go with them.

  14. But, when he sent a large ball crashing through a cocoanut grove, breaking the trees like straws and cutting its way clear and swift, they were quite dumfounded and pled to be again set safely on shore.

  15. But Lamu appeared and pled her own cause before them with convincing effect.

  16. I pled therefore with Nowar and Manuman, and a few leading men, to take one of their best canoes, and themselves to accompany me.

  17. To allay the tumult and obviate further bloodshed, I offered to leave with my Teachers at once, and, in doing so, I ardently pled with them to live at peace.

  18. I pled with him to remain at the Mission House till we felt more assured, but he replied, "Missi, when I see them thirsting for my blood, I just see myself when the Missionary first came to my island.

  19. There came a shape which seem'd to her As a rainbow 'mang the rain; And sair these sweet babes plead for her, And they pled and pled in vain.

  20. The maid pled in his behalf and kept repeating: Why will you fight with a passion that to you is pleasure, Remembering not in whose lands you are taking your leisure?

  21. The serjeant admitted the justice of his sentence, but pled his inability to avoid the guilt.

  22. The fact of disobedience was not denied; but the soldier pled the obligations which he had been under to the Wilson family during his distress; and his consequent unwillingness to become the instrument of John Wilson's murder.

  23. Nature should have pled With her your mother, 'gainst conception.

  24. She now pled with Dermot to marry her and take her away.

  25. Ossian and Oscar, too badly wounded to fight, pled with Finn to relent and send for his one-time champion and dearest friend.

  26. After the speculator, Henry Long, bought me, mother went to father and pled with him to buy me from him and let the white folks hire me out.

  27. Grandmother pled with the Yankees but it did no good.

  28. But those who were inclined to take a merciful view of the case, and who pled for delay, were chiefly natives, while the violent party was composed of most of the ill-disposed European settlers.

  29. On the following morning, and again beside the fatal tree itself, the widow pled for the man's life with all her powers of eloquence, but in vain.

  30. Mexican emperors; submitted to Cortez when he landed; died in 1520 of a wound he received as he pled with his subjects to submit to the conqueror, aggravated by grief over the failure of his efforts in bringing about a reconciliation.

  31. The doctor bade me say 'at he hed pled yir case, but he wes feared he hed dune ye mair ill than gude.

  32. Waschke thought he would like to marry Juliana, but she refused, even though Bishop Nitschmann, Mr. and Mrs. Toeltschig pled with her.

  33. The brethren thought him sincere and the Prophet in mercy pled in his behalf.

  34. He then pled to be forgiven of his wrong doing, and said he hoped yet to prove by repentance his worthiness to fellowship in the Church.

  35. Poppiti summarily dismissed the complaint: He ruled that because Scott had pled guilty to manslaughter, the same as she did on Werb's advice, she could not have been harmed by any wrong advice he gave her!

  36. So she pled guilty and was immediately released from prison.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    pledge myself; pledge ourselves