It is no use denying that she was as vain as any other professional beauty, and the way she danced and pirouetted on the gangplank, when Erik led her on to the pier, filled the rustics with amazement.
She kissed the assaulted ear, and pirouetted over to the broad window-seat, looking in her simple morning gown like a school-girl.
She set down her glass suddenly and pirouetted to her feet.
The strangest figure of all was cut by the old snake who pirouetted on the end of his tail at the greatest speed, in which weird performance he was soon joined by his wife.
With the liveliest satisfaction expressed all over his mobile features, he pirouetted round the room with the greatest animation, and daringly accomplished the giddiest somersaults that were ever turned.
Bobetinski, whose elbows flapped like a pair of wings, pirouetted with short, quick steps around his partner, Madame Taliman, who was dancing with the stately composure of a stone monument.
The spirited animal pirouetted under his rider, and impatiently shook its branch-bit by the violent tossings of its long and nobly formed neck.
Patty pirouetted about the room on the tips of her toes, waving a sheet of music in either hand.
Patty dropped a butterfly kiss on Nan's brow, and then pirouetted across the room to her writing desk.
Shortly before twelve Columbine pirouetted up to Jachin Fell and accepted the arm he offered her.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pirouetted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.